Tuesday, February 5, 2019

We Are All Fed Up

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In these times of psychological engineered turmoil, where police are abused to frustration that some of them take it out on the public, as they have the same problems all of us have, to where the citizen is once again comprehending that the election of Donald Trump provided not any respite again, as the goal posts just get moved down the road, and any reforms which are passed from the Conglomerate Congress, are not going to help the little guy, but benefit the feudal few, people do get on edge, and that is exactly what those behind this expect you to be on the right or the left. It is a point though that no one can allow any of this to get them to react, as it will only bring prison or the grave for a liberal or a conservative.

I was going to make this an independent post, but as the Viking expressed remorse over his venting as it is a great deal to deal with in caring for an elderly mother and missing his wife and daughter, as I know the situation in having just invested a lifetime of caring for a parent who died after Thanksgiving, and it appears that was just the beginning of sorrows.
I do not post personal things to whine or gain sympathy, but to show those who read this blog that life is not a pleasant thing for me either. It is hard here in everything is suffering. Today I got up and smelled gas again from the fuel tank, so that had to be checked by the company who fills it. I can not have problems with that in 20 below weather and this constant onslaught of HAARP blizzards. If it was 40 degrees, hell 30 I would think I had the world by the tail, but there is not room for errors in this. It simply has been even greater hell the past 5 months than the hell of the mother this past summer.
Every American is under a great deal of pressure and it is designed in all of this to produce that effect so people give up. At this point it appears that the Mind Modifiers are not seeking to spike people going postal as it probably would start a revolution. It appears they just want people worn down so they keep this status quo going, as that is why Donald Trump was partly placed into office, was the pacify what was the Tea Party interests.

What has been on my mind is explaining a realignment of the paradigm of this time. Without the college words, I repeat that there is nothing that any one person can do to change anything or change any person's mind who is in position of power. They have their interests, and making waves only gets you onto lists, into trouble or killed. That is not what the Christian is here for on this earth. The Christian is here first for God's message of Peace and next to bring that Peace to their family. Not enough people are doing that so our communities are at peace, but that is not your responsibility. Your responsibility is to care for your families and prudently to keep silent.

We have seen that the Tea Party or Antifa changes nothing right or left. What has been on my mind is it will require a national leader to place themselves in jeopardy, in order to lead the majority to cause enough political will that rights will be restored. Whether it is an Andrew Jackson or a Winston Churchill or an Adolf Hitler, that is what history shows is necessary.
For Europe, the Habsburgs now have Sebastian Kurz, a socialist who is implementing an agenda for that interest, and securing it by rewarding the masses of the right with entitlements to continue on with that agenda. It does not mean these people are right wing. It means they will utilize the right wing to get what they want.

In the United States, the right wing is not being rewarded with anything to restore a former order. Until the time that a man or woman with enough charisma and will appears as a Ronald Reagan who can inspire the masses, and as part of their agenda force a William Casey backing of their "restoring American rights" to benefit the masses, none of this will change. That is nothing to be despondent over, but a reality of why I look for the return of Jesus the Christ. That is where one builds a bridge to and that keeps one from acting out as your interest is not in the current system or venting that there is something that can be done.

People need to remind themselves of historical reality. I quote the settlement of the Ohio as it was 30 years of hell. There was not an American dream but a nightmare there. People lived there, were preyed upon by Indian  terrorists, by French and English genocidists trying to wipe out Americans. Making a living was not a nice job inside, but you planted corn, hoped that the buffalo did not eat it off, and you lived on corn and turnips all winter, because wheat, simply bread was not available there for almost 40 years of settlement as it was too much labor to produce it in the wilderness. Bread only came to those people after severe droughts, severe storms and severe colds in the last years for the Ohio country settlements.
A man would get up for the day and might be a trapper of beaver, by noon he might be a horse trader, by evening he may have bartered for a barrel of lard.  That is how these people made a living. It was not enjoyabale or easy, but it was all they had, and sometimes in life you just have to put your foot into a new day and lie to yourself it is going to be better.

My neighbor was here yesterday feeding again. Cattle eat immense amounts of food in this kind of cold as does a furnace fuel. I have to double feed everything to keep things alive. I asked him about calving and he said 10 days. That means on February 14th he will have 175 calves coming due and he knows what hell that will be if this HAARP cold does not end. That is a great deal of life which might perish and his will be the last in that cycle if those in power do not stop what they have begun to make a profit off of.
My daily routine is pure drudgery. I slip on ice, I slip on iced snow dust, I slip because it is cold. I have to keep thawing out water buckets, cat dishes and make sure my tank which is half full of ice does not get full of ice. There is absolutely no relief, and I have a tax appointment coming up, and the weather is hell daily. Yesterday the neighbor said the school bus was sitting on the corner, as a van was stuck on the road further one, and there were two vehicles trying to pull it out of these concrete snowdrifts. Our roads are not open, but a series of two lane paths over drifts or someone who has scooped a path through them before the next blizzard seals things up. It gets to be hell and life threatening out in this country and it simply wears people out. Our old people and cancer patients died off in the last blast of a dozen of them. It is a burden which I simply have to ignore until something worse happens which has been far too often these past five months.

I was hoping for weather in the 30's, but that did not manifest and is my failure for placing hope in a warm day. It is impossible for that to occur when HAARP is hosing down the atmosphere with cold upper air. If you are in an area where they keep forecasting fog, mist or rain, and it is 40 below to 25 above, and you should be warmer, that is HAARP in action, as it can not rain at zero degrees and that forecast keeps appearing across the northern part of America.

So I pretend things will be better, as facing reality would produce emotions which benefit no one. I have to hold it together for TL, for the livestock and the pets as they depend upon me. It is one day closer to spring and in that I hope that I will be able to recover some. We are no longer relapsing with that Mexican flu, so that is good. There are good things, but I hate the cold and I have been cold for too long and have been watching animals suffer in this cold which does bother me.

The short version in this is to focus on God, whether you are getting a raw deal or not. As the raw deal promises ease in Heaven which is why we are all here. Look for Christ's return and move through the days, one at a time in prudent silence, and for me I am thankful I will never have to live that day again. It is not the American Dream,  but it is American Life at this time for me.
I can't be upset that rich people have money and do not donate, as that is beyond my control, and God will deal with them. I simply must keep the peace and counsel all of you to keep the peace too in your lives.

There will be better days ahead when these days will be forgotten. God promises in time to repay two Graces for every hurt. I have quite a store in that bin to redeem. I figure once that begins I will have a pretty good deal.

It is the time of Faith. Trust in God as we are all fed up, and turning to politicians or media people is only going to bring more disappointment as they can offer nothing but the system people are in distress over.  Because deliverance only comes from God as God is the only one who can deliver nations or raise up a Moses to deliver, and that is why I wait for Christ and hope for green grass and robins singing in the trees.

We are all fed up with expecting changes for the better after 2016, but you were informed that 2016 was not about salvation, but about each of you having done the right thing in how you voted as an evidence to God. You proved you are His and  that is obviously now what that election was about, as I have been as disappointed as any.  That is the past and I keep moving on day by day with Jesus the Christ in His Peace.

Go in Peace in Jesus Name Amen and Amen and Amen
