Monday, February 11, 2019

More white toilet paper than Tan Assses to Wipe with the Roll

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this blog was the first to call upon candidate Donald Trump to intervene in Venezuela for the people, and as none of you have any idea of the situation there, save the propaganda which is a pure fiction from the CIA Mockingbird, there is very good insight to Venezuela from a Russian journalist which  is translated for those who desire to have their eyes opened.

The basis is not a tale of the two dictators, but a tale of the reality of one dictator is not handing over the money to America and Europe, while the other is promising to. In that, we are in a symbiotic relationship as the police rob people in the one part of town and the bandits in the barrios.

Venezuela does not have any shortages, as like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is promoting, Maduro the Chavez dictator is handing out free everything, and that is the debt which is destroying Venezuela as unlike America with a petro dollar  in record debt, Venezuela has the oil but a unique plastic currency were people get what they want on these filled government cards. The problem is the people want more and more handouts.
It is like Alexandria dressing sexy in people want more skin every  time she appears.

The Russian stated that gas to fill up a taxi in a tank full was like 25 cents. See that is how price controls work and Hugo Chavez set up special food centers where people got all the staples they need, better than Egypt which just hands out bread.

In other areas, the stores and restaurants are full of food. The problem is you can not use dollars to buy anything as that is illegal and no one will exchange them. The Bolivar currency is rare as unicorns, so that leaves good neo plastic cards to pay for things.

The one thing that Venezuela is full of it toilet paper. There is absolutely no shortage in that commodity.

Venezuela is  like Al Gore's vision of America. They import all of the food which is a disaster for the nation as oil prices fell and no one can pay for anything.

My renewed interest in Venezuela is due to Sebastian Kurz, the most powerful man in the world in leader of Europe signed onto American policy in calling for regime overthrow. For that to be taking place it means the current dictator is not cutting people in on the deals, and the new dictator is going to be handing Venezuela over to European and American interests. That means coke and oil money laundering.

That is what this is all about in the globalists taking over Venezuela from the Obama experiment to the Trump banana republic. The Venezuelans come out to chant as that is what the swipe cards pay for, but they could care less one way or the other who is leader in the next phase, as along as he gets along with the Americans and keeps handing out things for free, they have all they want, need and desire. They are well fed, well dressed and all have homes. They get robbed in the barrios or streets by their police of gangs, who all answer to the same cartel in the banking cities, so that is life on the edge.

You can see why Sean  Penn loved Hugo Chavez, in Chavez was a buddy dictator who did take care of the poor. Chavez and Castro under Obama though did not mesh well with the new Obama dope trade and they both were put out to pasture. Now this Maduro is making a mess of it as the people hate him, as the is not someone to have a beer with. He does not hand out his debit cards with a smile and the people resent that, as the CIA is saying they resent that enough that they do.

I had hopes for Venezuela, but they are a managed communist flock who have  been taught it is wonderful t be tan skinned snowflakes on a Caracas  trust fund like the Obama girls will have. It is what Venezuela is  and what America is being transitioned into. No matter what the guy at 1600 Penn says about socialism, America is a National Socialist state already and bad cop Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is there to herd you onto the new plantation as Americans are replaced  with Mexicans.

This is about oil and dope and who gets the revenues coming out of the ground. Once they get that, the conflict will stop and the world will be told how wonderful Venezuela is, just like America is the greatest economy in the world with 95 million Americans out of work and the joy of foreigners are the only ones who can buy the 950,000 Florida mansion in the Curry Nigger computer programmers.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

