Monday, February 11, 2019

What do these things have in common?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

How was your day?

Well mine was not too shitty until about 4:00 pm today when .........I am forced to use a Mr. Heater or two as auxiliary heat, to keep the furnace from over working and things with that were working pretty good after the blizzard run to town, but today the one tank went dry which has been a Rhino tank problem as if you unscrewed the valve too far the gas quit.

So having a spare I put the Mr. Heater on that, and it started leaking gas. I took the other Mr. Heater off and it seemed ok, so I put the other on, after putting it on the other tank, and it still was giving me problems. Yeah no liking to not have aux heat in this shit HAARP weather meant going to town early in the snow.,
Neighbor  told me today it is 1400 bucks each time they call out the grader. Perhaps they should stop calling him in the summer every time it rains, but the neighbor got a call from the feds to tell him to clean the damn  roads out even with no money.

So I get out to do chores as I should have time to make it to town to feed Baby Moo, and get Daisy and Belle in, which I do, but the problem is Augie our boy goat is down. He has had a time of it in the cold, and I have done everything I can out here, including putting a sweatshirt on him, but today was the day. If I got him up, he would go down again problaby in the below zero weather HAARP is generating, so I put a bullet into his head as he trusted me. It  took two bullets as I have a 22 and goat skulls are thick.
TL and I delivered him and his brother in saving their lives one January 4 years ago. They were backwards and I had to push and pull them, but we got them saved, with goat shit literally all over the porch.
They will be the last goats I will have as it is too heartbreaking to deal with this shit as I have put down 5 goats in the past year and none of them die easy.

So I figure it is time for some away time in getting a new propane tank before stores close. Thing is the pick up got stuck getting out of the snow drift. Thing is as we got down the driveway,  something inside me, namely the Holy Ghost said, YOU GOT A FLAT.

Sure as hell a flat tire.

So down to the corner plugged with snow and back we come on a flat and I park in the yard, hoping to get it off and into town before the shop closes........and then I ran into GMC genius, in the spare is under the truck bed, and you have to go through a hole in the bumper with a ratchet to get it loose. I only knew this as TL found a manual in the other pick up which showed some of this shit to do.

That spare is on a cable....I don't have the GMC ratchet. The hole in the bumper has a towing light package through it. So as pipe wrench and even an old wagon wheel hub wrench for the nut would not work, I got a channel lock on it, and down the tire came with all the dust.

Did I mention it was 10 degrees and I was laying in snow and cats?

So got the pick up jacked up, got the tire off with my 3/4 socket set as the Mexicans put on lug nuts like they are welded on, and that Uniroyal tire was up, not cracked and good as gold. Unlike that goddamn Goodyear tire or tires, as the one went flat when the mother was still hell on earth and  I never got to change the other one  in her bills, was waiting for a nice day and was hoping it would be spring and not 20 below goddamn HAARP weather.

Am I in a bad mood? No more than usual for the past shitty days.

The Holy Ghost pointed out by TL that tomorrow was income tax day. We already went in by God's Grace in the tax gal was in and worked things out. Great as it was to snow. That means it would have been Wednesday, the last probable good day this week that I would have not discovered that damn flat until the day was almost shot, and had another shitty ass day of ten tons in trying to figure out what TL figured out in the twilight tonight.

So I got the Mr. Heater running and it has not blown up, so think it should be ok. Tomorrow I get to go and get the tire fixed, more bills, and get one or two 20 pound propane tanks for the cold. 200 more bucks shot in the ass.
That mother, the non donors and the bitchy people who hate on me sure are dividends that keep on paying out misery.  This whole thing would not have happened if we had normal winter temperatures. Augie would have probably plugged through to spring, the tire would have held up to a nice day, no propane would be needed with the house warm, and bitchy bitchweeds bitching at me would not be bothering me as much as they have the last few days as who does not like rude ass people pissing on you as you read their comments online to others who are glamours in they just gush in pissing all over themselves wanting to be loved.

You day probably sucked too, but I probably trump most in killing a goat I delivered as a kid to put it out of it's misery

That is about all the venting I can do on this, as I vented to the Texans the other night like a whiner and that was enough of me to put up with for a lifetime.

Oh look, my hands are cracking from the dry cold and bleeding too as I  type. Is a wonderful day being Christian me in a world of rich people being rich people.

A lesson for you weeds who read this blog. The things that I know how to survive in this kind of weather world is nothing you are prepared for nor have a clue to deal with any of it. That means when the day comes in the meltdown, your days will have come. I give you 2 weeks for the lot of you, as by then you will be shitting yourselves to death in drinking bad water or having caught pneumonia in the dewy damp air without your central air. By a month someone will have bludgeoned you to the great beyond in they were having a bad day.

God is merciful and good even to me, but Lord how I know today would not have happened if rich people had not been stealing from me.

Gott gebe mir zwei gute Dinge für jeden schlechten.
