As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
For those who degrade John Wayne by saying he could not act, they should watch an ABC movie version of True Grit starring Warren Oates who is a good character actor to discover that John Wayne was a much better actor who made it appear like he never was acting.

It fascinates me in why other characters think that Rooster Cogburn needed a beard to be who he was as John Wayne needed no such prop. What is absolutely hilarious to me is the left did their best to prop up the Jeff Bridges version of True Grit which was horrid, as Bridges needed a cigarette to look tough or repulsive as he looked like an outlaw........and all of you missed it in Jeff Bridges had his patch on the wrong eye, and he was firing his gun cockeyed.
Lloyd Bridges was a wonderful actor and person. It is too bad his sperm failed so miserably in his offspring. Beau is an ok liberal actor, but Jeff is a liberal who is the same boring monotone in every part he plays.

Warrent Oates has not any help in his True Grit which really makes this movie television. I should not say not any help as that actor from Paper Chase is in it, and he holds his own wonderfully and carries scenes, but the rest are horrid casting, including the replacement Mattie who screams a great deal and only has two scenes where she actually plays the character correctly.

So in the world of True Grit, Rooster Cogburn and the Lady is the best, but the weakest supporting cast. True Grit is the best supporting cast in Robert Duvall and Kim Darby, even if Glenn Campbell was weak. Warren Oates gets little help, and he simply can not act as well as John Wayne. As for Jeff Bridges, everything he was in, would have been much better if Bruce Willis, Tom Beringer, Nicolas Cage, Willem Defoe or Bruce Dern had been cast.
Imagine the above actors what they would have accomplished with these roles that Jeff Bridges destroyed.
Against All Odds
True Grit
This though is not about Jeff Bridges as he does not earn keyboard ink space.
No one is ever going to replace John Wayne. That is both the tragedy and blessing as all fail compared to him, and the wonderful supporting cast, which numbers were John Ford stock players who rose to prominence like Ken Curtis and Ben Johnson.
I just would that they had time to love the movies they make instead of not caring or hating them. John Wayne had wonderful locations in Oregon. Warren Oates had Colorado, but it was shot in the snow which is always repulsive for the viewers and the cast. What Jeff Bridges was in is as colorless as he is.
I mean shooting cockeyed. That is the horrid grit, Oates is not so horrid as they try, but John Wayne is fantastic in all his forms.
Nuff Said