OK lady, fess up, do you know the Missing Link
in the Robert Mueller investigation?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
After reading on Zerohedge of the poor Belarussian prostitute who claimed to be the Pissing Link in the Pissgate Dossier which Theresa May of MI6 had Christopher Steele create on the Marco Rubio original smear investigation against Donald Trump which became the Hillary Clinton created file, in her now denying it, and only made up the story to save her life.
A prostitute from Belarus who claimed to be the "missing link" that can provide secret evidence of a Trump-Russia connection now says that she fabricated her story in order to attract media attention, in an attempt to save her life while she was detained in Thailand.
The thing is I can see why she might be mistaken for a Missing Link.

See she looks like the Geico caveman.

I got to thinking on the Lame Cherry exclusive in the Missing Link in who Robert Mueller is looking for and how bad all of this could turn out, as maybe Robert Mueller and his team are actually looking for Missing Links.
I mean that could turn out bad for liberals like Ron Pearlman who I adored as Vincent in Beauty and the Beast, but let us face it, dude looks like he popped out of a monkey as a human mutant and fathered like Michelle Obama.

I would not want to see Ron Pearlman arrested by 39 FBI agents in a pre dawn raid. So can we all agree that Ron Pearlman is not the missing link talking to Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone and Paul Manafort.
I got to looking and other innocent's appeared in this is Lucy, the original Missing Linkette.

There does though seem to be allot of variation in the Missing Links. Like this one who is kind of hot, if you were drunk and had a fetish for cage match women who lost allot by eating mat.

Thing is the hot Missing Link who maybe the FBI would like to frisk, looks allot like Sigourney Weaver, who is hot, but I think we can agree that Sig is not Robert Mueller's Missing Link.

Then there is this Missing Link named Nana.

I think Robert Mueller needs to do a bit of investigating these anthropologists as who makes cheesecake poses to get turned on in.......I just do not know what this thing is, but as I look at it, it looks allot like Mike Rowe.

Apparently there are allot of anthropologists who masturbate to Mike Rowe.
These anthros seem to get wood over lots of weird shit. I don't know if they were jacking off to Gilligan's Island to Ginger and then that ape appeared on the screen and they just kept on, but here is Lucy, naked and, well giving the come hither look.

Naked Lucy still though does not look like naked Belarussian Pissing Link prostitute, so we can agree that both are not Robert Mueller's Person of Interest. I mean it is pretty obvious that Roger Stone would remember meeting someone who looked like they came out of a cave.

So any way, out of 7 billion people, I think we have narrowed down the Missing Link for Robert Mueller's investigation, to........well I know TL and I are not.....I think Robert Mueller is not as Roger Stone would have recognized him....then there is the Pissing Link prostie, Ron Pearlman, Sigourney, Lucy, Nana, the Geico guy, Mike Rowe, and that is now narrowed down to 6,999,999, 990.
Now the rest of you before you are cleared, probably should not lose any sleep if you look like a Neanderthal, because just looking like the Missing Link is not part of this investigation, as far as I know.
I would though not be resting so easy if I was in the periphery of this, as the Mark Rich types who figure things out in high morals, tend to be made examples of. If you are though someone with deep state protection, in if you were made an example of it would link this back to the cartel, you would be quite safe as Robert Mueller seems to have no interest in Katie Walsh 10 Downing Street types.
Anyway we are closer each day to the identity of the real Missing Link.
Nuff Said.