Monday, February 4, 2019

Pissagate Another Bad Clinton Business Deal

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For my loyal readers and donors, the rest of you rich people I respectfully ask you to not read this post as you are not donating generously for it, and until you are so moved to understand that it is in your interest to come up with the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars, do not add to your Christ White Throne Judgment in not reading further on.

For my children, it is understood that I have a gift for seeing things and assembling data to reveal what is really in the maze before your eyes. To begin this, most of this information is already published in scattered parts, much of it has appeared here, but none of it has been assembled as it should, to explain why Paul Manafort was torn a new asshole.
It is not just that the Bob Dole protege, which included Roger Stone of this political technician group, swept in to the Republican Convention to secure the nomination for Donald John Trump. Mr. Manafort is not under  indictment for that nor investigation by the patritotic protector of America in Robert Mueller. What Paul Manafort was repeatedly tagged for was ties to Ukranian money legally brought into the United States.

I am giveing the non donors at this point who have still continued on reading, to have a twinge of guilt and cease reading, so the White Throne Judgment will not be doubled against you as God records all of this better than the NSA does.

Once upon a time, there was a man named George HW Bush who presided over Ronald Reagan's Cold War victory of the Soviet Union and liberation of 200 million Slavic peoples. Peace brought about a problem of Russian nuclear weapons in the two primary depots of Ukraine and Russia.
Ukraine immediately went non nuclear and Russia soon enough agreed to reduce their numbers of nuclear warheads. Some ended up in retaliation in the hands of Saddam Hussein and the MI6 Isalmocommunists of Iran. Most though were converted to fuel for American nuclear power plants.

In this scheme, cemented under William Jefferson Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton, Russian nuclear weapon fuel was converted, sent to America for pennies on the millions of dollars, and placed into American nuclear power plants, in which thee American consumer saw absolutely no reduction in prices. Yes the American energy sector was given carte blanche to rape the American consumer as it is doing now with HAARP polar vortex.

In this deal which was worked out for huge American profits, Vladimir Putin and the Ukraine were to receive billions of dollars, which was agreed upon to be reinvested back into the United States in kickbacks.

The Bush family of W Bush had this in motion, but as this progressed, W Bush kept lying to Vladimir Putin and betraying the Russians. Bill Clinton told the insiders during his tenure that the American elite could not keep on humiliating Boris Yeltsin and the Russians as they were not going to take it forever. America with Britain strong arming the Russians produced a situation where the Russians and Ukrainian mafia forgot to return the money which was  paid them.

Enter Hillary Hamrod Clinton and flexible Barack Hussein Obama and the magic reset button. That button was not about Russian relations, but an expansion of the uranium deal which Bill Clinton had overseen in Muslimstan with a Canadian benefactor for 10 million dollars. That deal cost Hillary Clinton the presidency in the cartel in not receiving their cut, installed Birther Hussein Obama  into the White House for their European interests.

Mrs. Clinton at this point used her office as Secretary of State, to work what has been come to be known as Uranium One. Russia purchased the Canadian interest, and in return for billions in Russian investment, Mrs. Clinton allowed Russia to purchase almost the entire US mineral reserves of uranium.
Unfortunately for two ranchers in Cliven Bundy and LaVoy Finnicum, they planted their boot heals on direct central of where this takeover was being implemented as the Department of Justice, Fish and Wildlife, were cracking down on landowners who owned or leased land on these energy interests. That is why the police state was sent out to crush these people and so much Mockingbird print was spent smearing them. This was coming directly from the cartel conduits in the Clintons and the Obamas.

In the world of the global mafia cartel, it is not any different than any mafia group, as one simply does not refuse to fulfill a deal. One simply does not take something that is not yours and  sell it without permission. One simply does not provide the proper cut to the elite.

Bill Clinton sinned in this, and Hillary Clinton paid in losing the White House twice.

Vladimir Putin neglected to return the money which he was supposed to launder, and George Soros who is the bag man for the cartel, has  invested great John McCain resources to decapitate Vladimir Putin. Putin "stole" from the cartel and Hillary with Bill Clinton worked deals which either cheated the cartel out of Muslimstan wealth or their deals with Uranium One caused too much Finnicum publicity or did not profit. One simply does not cause these kinds of problems for the cartel without being punished.
Bill and Hillary Clinton are greedy people, but the reason Bill Clinton spends  money like he is on borrowed time, is because he is not spending all that Clinton Foundation money on himself. That foundation is a store front where the Clintons have to make billions in payments to the cartel, like any street vendor in New York paying to the protection racket.

For Paul Manafort, the Doling, he was given a green light under W Bush for his financial endeavors which all were legal. The problem with Manafort is the money he was investing out of Ukraine was the original pay off package on the Russian nukes to American lights scheme. It does not make any difference if it is a street pimp in Vladivostock who gets 100,000 dollar  for providing whores to the board meeting, that 100,000 is expected to be returned or invested to cartel coffers. There is not any keeping it.

Manafort had these funds, invested them, and this really was a sticking point in this situation which came front and center when he did something else which infuriated this energy group, in Manafort swept in and made Donald Trump president.
To be more precise, Manafort failed at the RNC deliberately, because he did not have to worry about delegates as he already cut the deal with Bush operative in the Indiana Mafia of Mike Pence to be Vice President to drive Ted Cruz to loser status as when Indian voted, suddenly all of these GOP primaries flipped to Donald Trump, as if the magic voter software could stop converting votes to Ted Cruz as in Iowa, Kansas and Texas, and they tallied for Donald Trump.

It would be deduced that Paul Manafort was informed over time that the Ukraine money was from the original payoff, but when he had Bush fam protection, he did not hand over the money, but when he crushed the Hillary Clinton uranium money laundering scheme for the cartel, and Putin was sitting on that money and the deal did not produce the profits, Mr. Manafort was going to be made an example of.

Shall we say in this the reason John Brennan is still venting fumes out of his ears is Mike Flynn in Moscow with Putin, had the Russians making it known  that the money which came from this nuclear deal was being used to fund the Trump campaign, Donald Trump was on the dole, and it was all an operation where Hillary Clinton was defeated with the cartel's own funds.

Does it make a bit more sense in this one piece of the puzzle why this issue went through the roof as the most powerful and intelligent people got screwed and that simply is not done, and examples need to be made.

None of this though has on thing to do with the Missing Link which the patriotic protector of America, Robert Mueller is searching for in all of this, as this is a paradigm of connecting threads but different levels of dimensions.

This though should my children clear the webs from your belfry in understanding what is behind  this aspect of a business deal which went bad for those who do no allow business deals to go bad.

With that, another Lame Cherry elusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
