Monday, February 4, 2019

This is the Party which John Kennedy Fathered

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a common fallacy to claim that the modern democratic party is not the party  of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. It does make a good debate point, but the fact is, the modern ass stink, baby slaughter, anti Christian, foreign lust part of Nancy Pelosi is the party of John Kennedy.

Not the Party of JFK: Radicals Are Running Amok In The Democrat Party

President John F. Kennedy Would be Embarrassed and Ashamed of Today’s Radically Marxist Anti-Life Democrat Party 

 I can post the links below from Bill Clinton being pro straight, to Al Gore being pro life, to Chuck Schumer being pro border security, along with Nancy Pelosi, but their "JFK Views" were only those views to sucker a majority of people to get them elected.

Bill Clinton calls anti-gay marriage act HE signed into law ...

Bill Clinton calls the anti-gay marriage act he signed into law unconstitutional and calls on the Supreme Court to overturn it. e-mail; Most watched News videos.

The FACT is John Kennedy was worse than Bill Clinton, Al Gore or Nancy Pelosi have ever been in their modern mutation.

For the fact, John Kennedy HIMSELF was in on the murder of a child he thought he fathered. Read the headline closely as it was JFK himself dispensing toxic drugs to a young girl in order to kill a baby. I don't believe that any of these democrats have been handing out pills or pulling out the bent coat hangers which John Kennedy chose to engage in.

JFK tried to make me have an abortion: How President Kennedy ...

JFK tried to make me have an abortion: How President Kennedy forced a teenage intern to take drugs and feared he'd made her pregnant ... Having paid the fees in advance, my parents insisted that I ...

John Kennedy was so pro  open borders that he wrote a book to launch his presidency praising the pouring in of foreigners into the United States.

For those who have forgotten the infamous Kennedy brothers in their reality, while brother Bob was trying to break the Italian and Jewish mafia control of Unions, so the Kennedy's would gain that control, Jack was having brother Bob go after a United States General in Germany for being "insane" on the charge he was a Conservative Christian Patriot. The case was thrown out in the courts, and the General protected, but this is the kind of weaponized legal system the Kennedy's unleashed to terrorize Americans.

When the issue of Civil Rights appeared, the Kennedy's knew nothing of the Negroid. They instead sent for and then dispatched White Humbert Humphrey of Minnesota to broker the deals They were not supporting or championing Civil Rights. They were flipping a Republican issue from the Civil War for their political benefit, just as Al Gore went baby butcher, Bill Clinton went ass sex and Chuck Schumer went open borders. This  is all Franklin Roosevelt fractional politics of the mob rule overthrowing the legal rights of Americans.

So on the evidence, the reality is, John Kennedy was in many ways worse than the current democrats, and equal to the  treacherous Franklin  Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. The modern democratic party is the dope smoking hippies of 1968 Chicago. I would postulate that the modern democratic party is not the party of Mayor Richard Daley.

Once that reality sinks  in, the godfather of the DNC in Hubert Humphrey liberalism is what the Kennedy's embraced, and Teddy Kennedy sodomized it ten steps further in legalizing the immoral and criminal issues his brothers embraced as this is Kennedy politics out of Mafia Mic Boston.
It was Kennedy's people who produced the legacy of the Supreme Court on aborticide, sodomy and criminalizing Americans.
So the next time you read about the democratic party not being the party of John Kennedy, that is a pure lie. The only reason the Kennedy's like FDR ever moved on any issue with a pretense of being pro American, was to cement their power and destroy a rival. Once that was complete, it was a return to the persecution of the Christian Protestant Patriot.

The 20th century produced two American Presidents in the Republican Party in Calvin Coolidge and Ronald Reagan. The 20th century produced no American Presidents in the Democratic Party.
In the 21st century there have not appeared any American Presidents from either party.

Until the fiction is wiped  from the debate and until the reality of neither party in the United States has any leadership which is not a manipulation of the ignorant masses, will there ever be any rectifying of any of this. It is past ludicrous in the "do nothing Donald" as he has the authority, but has agreed not to use it, pitted against the "do everything democrats" who have no authority but Mitch McConnell helps them make rules to rule Americans in this gulag, as it is all a fiction when one is aware of the historical facts.

This is the party which John Kennedy communist fathered to rape America, and the Republican party is the socialist party which Dwight Eisenhower fathered to bastardize the Republic.

 Those are the facts.

Nuff Said
