Friday, February 8, 2019

Rootie Toot Toot The Ocasio Cortez Green Dream

I am FDR and am all for replacing carbon emissions
with my fossil fuel in vulnerable young women
as I made it a practice of.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Apparently Obama Green Two has been unveiled by the noted pretty Marxist, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Of course no one is making the point that Alley Carter no more wrote this bill for Congress in the New Green Deal than Obama wrote his memoirs. It can best be summed up as a complete reordering of human society in  ending the advancement of fire for magnets.

Congresswoman Ocasio Cortez purpose is to put everyone into electric cars and high speed rail. That means magnets. In the second order of this which even the geniuses at Politico have not addressed as no one will, is not the ability to pay for this in extorting money from people or simply creating more debt in a fiction economy that even Mr. Trump seems addicted to, is the fact that in order to manufacture, which is another name for HEATING, the necessary quadrupling of electric voltage wires needed to power this new Ocasio Cortez society, along with the rails, trains, cars, will require the use of more energy than the world has produced in 5000 years. This Ocasio Cortez plan would require the releasing of 10 times the carbon dioxide now in the environment in order to manufacture this Star Trek society.

I am Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and
I prefer my climate change to be resorts and fashionable attire.

According to the examination of the Ocasio Cortez plan it would require an area the size of California for these new solar panels. The problem with this is not just the environmental destruction, but the reality in a functioning society, solar panels begin immediately to degrade and it would take an area the size of Texas and California to produce this much green energy.

As is noted by the Wall Street Journal, the construction regulations alone in permits would require years if ever in lawsuits filed for historical locations or environmental locations.

Yes Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is spouting nonsense, but that is what is the point of this. Obama's Green was an embezzling scheme for his cronies. This ACC scheme is designed to keep prices inflated on energy for the Trump benefactors who are creating HAARP cold storms to make people buy energy.

There is not any point in rehearsing the volumes which have appeared here in crude oil and natural gas are produced by the planet as a regulator to carbon produced and in a natural order humans should be burning these products to play their part.

As for cost effective energy, America has loads of it, and it requires combustion engines to move heavy loads for agriculture and industry. For electricity, America produced Thorium clean energy atomic plants in the 1950's, but President Richard Nixon nixed it, as America needed dirty atomic fuels for atomic weapons manufacture.

Donald will sign anything for my carbon emissions

And I did warn you that Nancy Pelosi was the good socialist in this to make you feel rescued from Ocasio Cortez's bad communist as Donald Trump signs it into law.

It is a shame that a talent like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is wasting herself on this for the genocidists, but that is why she was plucked from a New York bar by the intelligence community as she is a most skilled operative for her part in this.
Once anyone is in this, they are in it all there days. Alley Carter will be in this as old as Nancy Pelosi doing the same soul selling settlement for the new world order.
It is an easy thing to sell out for the pretty. It is hard standing on your two hind legs and being an individual .

About this time, I prefer the original model.
