Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Fathers of Genocide

The Fathers of Genocide

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When this blog asked the question of "Why are Americans allied with Britain", it was a factual look at the crimes against humanity which were unleashed by the British to genocide Germans in World War II. It is the purpose of this continued historical revelation to show the Heroes of World War II, in England and American who stood against their nation's own war criminals.
Of this small group, most have been sanitized from history as the murderous victors made themselves heroes or as in the United States had their careers destroyed as Franklin Roosevelt exiled Charles Lindbergh for speaking out against America involving itself in a world war.

Once these heroic patriots discovered what had been the policy of their regimes, they spoke out and refused to join in the policies. The first is Robert Arthur James Gascoyne-Cecil.

"Of course the Germans began it, but we do not take the devil as our example"

Marquess of Salisbury

These are the numbers which Lord Salisbury was basing his damning proclamation against his own Conservative Winston Churchill, the stuttering King who agreed to this genocide and the military air wing which carried out this mass slaughter of the innocents.

87,000 incinerated in the Ruhr Valley
50,000 incinerated in Hamburg
50,000 incinerated in Berlin
20,000 incinerated in Cologne
15,000 incinerated in Magdeburg
4000 incinerated in Wurzburg

600,000 German civilians mass murdered. Of that number 120,000 were children, 400,000 were women.
800,000 German civilians were maimed, of that number close to 600,000 were women and children.

It is essential at this point to remember the Red Cross factual numbers of dead Jews in Europe during World War II. There never were 6 million Jews mass murdered. The actual numbers which I have seen and now have disappeared from the internet, indicated 800,000 to 1.2 million Jews died in some form of captivity, not by gassing, but due to natural attrition and the work of the allied bombing which cut off supplies and starved the Jews which in turn spread plague.
When the British found the first concentration camp with Jews. It was not the Germans which did this, but British Bomber Command and the American 8th Air Force in their population and precision bombing.

Three British Heroes stood up at the end of the war when it was discovered what Winston Churchill and Arthur Harris had unleashed on innocent people, the very kindred of the Anglo Saxons of England, in Lord Salisbury, the leading Conservative family in England, who condemned it by letter, and was quoted in the House of Lords by Bishop Bell of Chinchester and Member of Parliament, Labour, Richard Stokes.

By 1941, the British had lost to Germany in the air, on the land and on the sea. It was at that moment with the demonic lust of Franklin  Roosevelt of the United States for world empire, that the failed British empire chose deliberately to genocide the German People.
Churchill and Roosevelt would turn a blind eye to their friend Joe Stalin of the Soviet Union, unleashing his own mass murder of German Landser on the Eastern Front by torture and targeted assassination of German Officers.

One should in these realities of what London, DC and Moscow in their Jewish banking and political leftism unleashed on an innocent  people, comprehend why the 6 million holocaust as dual created. The Zionist wanted to obliterate the ghetto classes in Europe and found a Jewish state of the elite Ashkenaz. This group with their guilty goy in Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt, needed a cover for what was done to Germany and what would continue to be done to Germany, in mass rape by the Soviets and 11 million Germans slaughtered in American concentration camps by deprivation. So the 6 million fiction was created.

Even Winston Churchill had his limits in this, as when Joe Stalin in conference demanded 10 million German men be put to death after the war, and Franklin Roosevelt simply laughed, Churchill reacted in horror and refused to cooperate. Under Harry Truman and with the assassination of General George S. Patton, that slaughter for Stalin did indeed take place in American hands, along with American occupation cocks raping German girls in exchange for crusts of bread.

As this blog has stated, Franklin Roosevelt dared not make this public, nor would his 8th Air Force agreed to civilian bombing. General Ira C. Eaker of the United States, flatly rejected Bomber Harris' plot to mass murder Germans. Eaker instead held the 8th Air Force to precision bombing. Even when the B 17 flying Fortress proved no match for the German air defenses and grounded the long range bombing for 18 months, Eaker held firm and instead the Americans led by General James Doolittle developed the P 51 Mustang as long range escort and the Thunderbolt fighter bombers with drop tanks, to protect the American B 17's for a "civilized" war against German industry.

The noble action though of General  Eaker would not repeat in the Orient. There General of the Army Hap Arnold would unleash the B 29 Super Fortress on the rice paper shacks  of the Japanese poor with incendiary bombing, burning hundreds of thousands of the Japanese lower classes to death, before  the ultimate weapon of atomic warfare was unleashed on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

General Hap Arnold

Brigadier General Haywood S. Hansell, one of the architects of AWPD/1 and AWPD/42, encountered even more command problems than had Wolfe or LeMay. After two months of ostensibly poor results, but mostly because he resisted a campaign of firebombing attacks against Japanese population centers favored by Arnold and his chief of staff, Lauris Norstad, Arnold decided he too needed replacing. He shut down operations from China, consolidated all the B-29s in the Marianas, and replaced Hansell with LeMay in January 1945 as commander of XXI Bomber Command

General Lauris Norstad

Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, not having to answer to a large Japanese population which were placed into concentration camps in America, compared to a large German American population which was instead lied to with words of Patriotism and Duty to hide what was unleashed against their homeland by the British, openly unleashed a firestorm death camp in Japan against the orientals.
As in all things disgusting, the worst of these racist murderers as in England was a Norwegian Minnesotan in General Lauris Norstad who was the main accessory to Hap Arnold to turn Japan into a crematorium.

When one considers the coming 100 years of hell that Germans have been put through from gang rape by Soviets to mass terrorism by Angela Merkel, with the Jews using the holocaust as a carte blanche for their global crimes, one has to face the fact that King George of England, Winston Churchill and Arthur Harris should not have had movies made about them heralding their stuttering or been allowed to make Harris a scapegoat. The fact is if Germany had won the war, Nuremberg would have had the executions of these war criminals.

For the United States, there are memorials built to Franklin Roosevelt, who conspired with the German Genocide as did Harry Truman. When one examines this, Germany nor Japan, never targeted American civilian populations for mass murder. Each nation produced it's own war crimes, but removing the propaganda,  the facts expose that the war criminals were in London, DC and Moscow in an amplified scale.
If Japan had won the war, their Nuremberg Trials would have hung Roosevelt and Truman, and rightly have hunt Generals Arnold and Norstad.

Just because numbers of you do not want to deal with this, is the same crime as those who remained silent when other war crimes were taking place. That same silence breeds the same nuclear war criminals in the next war and the same criminals who think the genocide of the American and British populations is correct policy now in replacing them with foreign vermin which will not speak out.

If not for a British historian in John Keegan, attempting to include all the data of World War II, none of these revelations would be coming to light. Keegan published his work in the 1990's and it is reappearing here in statistics almost 30 years later.

It is easy to blame the silenced Germans when the vocal Ashkenaz propaganda press omits the facts of their crimes in war.

- Lame Cherry

What the English do is what the English do in relishing mass assassins. For the American, the political call is to turn the memorials to FDR into rubble and cast them into the sea, and to erect monuments to American Heroes who stood against genocide of Germans and Japanese working classes in defeat and to the ruin of their careers in  Ira Eaker and Haywood Hansell.

Nuff Said
