Monday, February 4, 2019

A Viking's Lament

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Each of us is frustrated with all of things we are going through, but each of us has to remember to not be so frustrated to start mailing politicians or those in the media, as speaking from experience in helping to elect this President, it is an interesting event no one wants to experience in having Homeland appear on your doorstep in a message posted here of peace in America.

For the Viking, this request is for your family as the last thing you want is to appear on some list, have law enforcement appear, and have you separated from your girls, not in being a good son to your Mom, but because the choice is not your own, but now the police state.
I have written of this before in not making yourself noticed in all who read this blog as none of you want this. When Homeland appeared to interview me, my own mother and my brother, fled me like Jesus the Garden.

There are though people who depend upon you and need you. Your good name is most important and not as I have stated being on a list. Every time I have to apply for anything, my name lights up the system and people have to read what had taken place, and that delays my life as people wonder why things are delayed before I get the green light.

I am stuck doing this, first for God and second because I have now no alternative, except to write and to keep reminding each of you to not get yourselves into trouble. Stop making yourselves someone who is noticed as that is the last thing any of you want.

Do what I do, talk to God in peaceful prayer, and build small bridges to having a cup of coffee to enjoy, watch a bird and look for green grass.

That is the duty of a Christian as each of us represent Christ in His Peace. God did not put us here to preach at politicians or the media. We have a duty to our families in living peaceable and quiet lives, as Martin Luther taught almost 500 years ago in troubled times.

God bless and keep each of you in Jesus Name Amen and Amen.
