Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Puppy Cat

I see that you have decided to take your life
into your hands again foolish human

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One of my fondest memories now  is the night before the mother died, TL was in the shower, and I was sitting with the laptop and the Puntz was on the mother's lap, and the mother was petting the Puntz as she always did and Poot took it all in.
The psychology of this was the Puntz was telling me, "You must be jealous of this as I am letting someone else pet me", and the mother was thinking, "The Puntz loves me more than you and she does not bite or claw me the way she does with you".

I was monitoring it, and I could read the signs the Puntz, which has been taught to me by my bleeding. The Puntz has this look right before she attacks, and I said to the mother, "You are playing with fire there", and the next half second later, the Puntz clawed her and drew quite a bit of blood.
As the mother relished in bribing that cat and that cat took her toxic nature to TL and me, I grinned at that gift as the Puntz nailed her, but good.

As the problem mother is dissipating, and Poot is eating up the supply of toxic bribes which made her sick, she is getting better and about 5 times a week I have Puntz Theater which is pure Manx cat.
I warn everyone to not ever get these bobtail cats as the Puntz is about 70% wild cat and the other 20% is jittery cat, and 10% is resting until she erupts. This cat is not a cat, but a puppy. I have never seen  nose on a cat like this one, as she schneuflin's non stop, in the most emphatic snorting like a hound on a trail. Most cats can not smell, but that is a major sense in this Manx cat. Nothing gets by her, and if anything has been outside it immediately gets detected and must be rubbed on, or in TL's case, it gets pissed on, as the Puntz marks territory with a purpose.

So TL has this game with the cat which is like none I have ever seen. It involves the gloves we wore as a kitty time, in the cat could claw and bite and you needed gloves to protect yourself. It got to the point that this even stopped as the last time I wore those gloves, had on a double shirt,  I felt fangs on my arm as the cat locked on and gave me the leopard back leg kicks as she really gets into it with a thrill and a rush.

What takes place now is the Puntz has these sounds. She kind of croak mews at birds. I have never heard a cat make that sound. For playing she has various purr squeal sounds. As I stated, I have never heard cats make these sounds,but this cat makes them.
She "talks" like this a great deal, but she never purrs. It usually starts out with the happy standing there looking up with the come play with me purr mew. Then when the gloves get put on,we have the protest squeal mew. to which she has the growling squeal mew as she attacks TL, grabs the glove, pulls it off, and then parades around with it, as TL follows and the Puntz stops, protest ins the protest squeal purr mew.

She now involves me in the process in I must come over and attempt to touch her, at which she shifts rapidly in place, protests in the squeal mew, to which I make a terrified squeal, jump back and must start the process again.

This progresses during the 15 minutes to TL having on the other glove, Poot attacking in switching gloves and finally it is a sort of hanging onto one glove as the other rubs the Puntz's head.
I would that I could  record this for Gaytube as this cat simply loves this playtime. She started again in feeling better chasing us, catching us from behind in mock biting and attacking. She loves TL and I following her around going, "poot poot poot poot" and rubbing her sides.

Make no mistake about this though as playtime Poot is not Poot of "I do not like you in those heavy clothes and clomping boots. I will not get out of the way. I will draw blood on you when you turn your back". We had one of those episodes this past week, where she got squirted with a water bottle to get her to back off, and then growling, I had to push her off with the broom as we reached a truce of, "I will not kill you because you have ample defenses, but I would kill you from here if I could".
The thing is the Puntz can get all territorial and bitchy, and a minute later she will be like it never happened. The Manx is simply a cat that you get educated to their sounds, nuances, expressions and eyes or you will pay for it. She is one of the happiest cats I have seen as she loves laying by us, providing we do not pet her too much, and she has a smile on her face. Sometimes though she gets this scowl or "I will killl you eyes" and then you know you better back off and figure out what is wrong with her.
Is hard because sometimes it is gas and sometimes it is "I have decided I hate the world". The last part she gets from my expressions it would seem.

The other morning when I was not getting up, she was on the bed laying there, and I started petting her. That lasted about thirty seconds as I got the look. I didn't know what it meant, but soon she was on me gnawing on my arm. She left and wheeled and gnawed again. Third time it got to almost breaking skin again, and I yelped and was about to grab her by the neck as I have gotten the shit sliced out of me when the mother was promoting such things, but this time the Poot backed off and all was well.
As I have stated, you never know from one second to the next what this cat is going to be in mood in her mix of sword fang and wolf.

I miss the little shit she was when I held her in my arms on her back, and she would go rabid eye, paws clawing at the air, looking insane and the next second fast asleep. I keep saying I never thought I would get this attached to a cat, but the Puntz is not a cat and she has things on her own terms.
It is as now she was just eating and I heard her leap off the table, (Yes she eats on the table as we have been trained to this, and if she does not have fresh water, she has her head stuck in my cup about that quick.) As she walked in, she greeted  TL with the Puntz Purr of happy greeting and is now jumping up on the recliner to lay down on the foot rest as it is up. This situation now has her laying half off the thing like she is going to fall so I have to roll her back on the foot rest. In most instances, we have a blanket for both TL and my feet on the same foot rest and the Puntz then sleeps on either of our legs as this is what she likes.

Yes  I would have rather had an Irish Setter, but at 1200 dollars a free Poot who would be dead now if I had not picked her up and stuck her in the warming oven that night by God's direction, is what we have in our puppy cat.

Poot is now grooming which is another situation where we groom ourselves, so she gets petted, whereby she can then swipe at us or bite at us..She definitely is an intelligent cat in figuring thiings out and training me. It is like living with a ticking bomb, but you get used to it and it is sort of interesting to have a wild animal who keeps telling you she is civilized until you trust her and she goes off.

The Puntz does trust me though in I can pick her up in most cases so we have a report in she understands me about as much as I understand her, as when there is trouble in most cases I am the one she comes looking for to make things better.

Someday we will have to see how a puppy adds to the mix in future time. For now it is the puppy cat in the Puntz.
