Saturday, February 2, 2019

Why is America an ally of Great Britain?

Churchill's Mass Murdering General Arthur Harris

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Often enough, I come across information which nauseates me, stuns me and leaves me without words, so I struggle to attempt to construct an understandable course, so that the information is not lost in the facts.

Often we have been informed of 6 million Jews perished in "death camps" in World War as the greatest crime in world history in the holocaust. What though I am about to provide you details of is something which exceeded that fictional 6 million figure, and it was a government policy of the British regime and it was known and signed off on by President Franklin Roosevelt and the Americans at the Casablanca Conference of January 1943. At this conference, focused on the Combined Bomber Offensive against Germany, the Casablanca Directive appeared, and in May of 1943, it took form in the operation code named POINTBLANK.

Two divergent strategies appeared in Casablanca. One American based on strategic bombing and one in British based on racism. The Americans were to focus on daylight raids, of precision attacks  on industry, transportation, oil refineries, shipyards and the submarine manufacturing centers. It was designed by General Eakes of the 8th Air Force, of the Americans to strike bottleneck targets as ball bearing plants to cripple the entire German industry of war.
This strategic bombing was mocked by the British General Harris of Bomber Command as "panacea targets", and the British instead were attempting to make the 8th Air Force to join in British Area Bombing which Eakes would not have any part of. For those ignorant of the nomenclature of area bombing, the following explanation will educate you what was British policy.

At the end of World War I, the father of the British Air Force, Sir Hugh Trenchard authored a future war paper in the use of air force in war to the Allied Supreme War Council.
Trenchard wrote that there were two areas of target, MORAL and MATERIAL EFFECT.

Moral and Material Effect was explained in two parts by Trenchard:

1. To inflict material damage on the military by damaging the centers of production in industry.
2. Achieve maximum effect on the morale by striking at the most sensitive part of the German population - namely the working class.

So you do not miss this, the individual recording this is British historian John Keegan and begins on page 418 in his history of World War II. Keegan records that in 1918, it was British bombing policy to not just target German factories, but to murder German workers in mass to destroy morale in Germany.

From the 1918 directive, it would be Air Marshal John Slessor in the late 1930's who would produce an operational war plan, that the British Air Force would attack with long range bombers an enemy's territory to force their air defense to react to the attack on the defensive. The additional strategy was to destroy the enemy's army's ability to make war.

As World War became a reality, an outcry internationally appeared on the stage against bombing civilians as Franco via the Germans had engaged in, in the Spanish Civil War. To this Adolf Hitler agreed to not target civilian populations and in the opening of the Battle of Britain the Germans did hold to that mandate.
As the Winston Churchill refused to make peace as France had with Germany, Adolf Hitler was forced to look for other means to pressure Churchill, and that included using two raids on German interests which were mistakes in German's bombing their own population at Frieburg.
Hitler only had rhetoric up to this  point, but when the Luftwaffe accidentally bombed a residential area of London on May 10th, the British looking for their own blood ordered the RAF to bomb Berlin's civilians. Adolf Hitler was furious over this attacking of Germans and that ushered in the Blitzkrieg on British population centers.

Bomber Command then decided to flip the bird to the Germans in bombing the civilians at Munich on the anniversary of the the Beer Hall Putsch.
The Luftwaffe retaliated and bombed the industrial center of Coventry, damaging 60,000 buildings.
The RAF was focused on night bombing, and then targeted Manheim, but missed the city almost. The end result was 23 Germans dead and 568 British. From this point on, British bombing would focus on kill counts of civilians.

Winston Churchill on September 3, 1940 told his War Cabinet that the air force must supplant the navy in focus. Churchill suspected that Bomber Command was ineffective and ordered a study of bombing activity by Lord Cherwell in August of 1941. What Cherwell found was not that Bomber Command was just bombing wide, but were bombing wild.
The Butts Report found that British bombers got within 5 miles of French ports in 2 of 3 aircraft. Over the Ruhr Valley in Germany, 1 in 10 British bombers dropped payloads within 5 miles of the target.

Winston Churchill clung to the use of heavy bombers, and in this period the Lancaster 4 engine appeared, and the British Air Staff recognizing that the RAF could not hit any targets, issued two orders to slaughter German civilians as the objective of British bombing.
The Air Staff returned to Trenchard's white paper of 1918 AD in the year of our Lord, stating, "bombing should now be focused on the morale of the enemy civilian population and in particular of industrial workers".

The following day, to leave no doubts in the minds of RAF crews, Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles Portal issued this order:
"I suppose it is clear that the new aiming points are to be the built up "residential" areas, not, for instance, the dockyards or aircraft factories. This is to be made quite clear if it is not already understood".

Keegan notes that Portal was an upper class patrician who detested the working classes. They viewed the proletariat of the industrial state as the weak point, the revolution point in western society as it was in Russia.
Liddell Hart wrote that "the slum districts maddened in the impulse to break loose and maraud by bombing attack".
That theory of using the lower classes as terror weapons was not new to the English. As they attempted that very terrorism in the American Revolution in attempting to excite black slaves in Virginia to revolt and mass rape and murder Americans in their homes.

Churchill's Scientific Advisor, Professor Frederick Lindemann advocated to Adolf Hitler that making German working people homeless would powerfully stimulate revolution in them against the Reich as was accomplished in Russia. The British were engaged in fomenting a communist revolution in Germany in 1942 in order to make it the same bloody purge which slaughtered hundreds of thousands in Russia.

These Bomber Barons hated the lower classes and General Arthur Bomber Harris, meant to use genocide to win the air war in Germany.

Into this the British deployed new methods in navigation termed GEE a beam system of directional location. H2S was a radar system which gave the bombers a picture site of the ground below. OBOE was another precision bombing site, but the problem is the RAF had already decided it was not bombing factories again, but was deployed to mass murder Germans.
In order to light the way for the Lancasters, high flying Mosquito bombers dropped incendiary bombs for the bomber wings to drop their bombs in the vicinity of.

By March of 1942 the British genocide of Germans was in full operation. General Harris undertook a raid on the French Renault factory in Paris, and moved onto the Baltic historic city of Lubeck on the night March 28th. His reasoning was recorded as thus:

Happy British mass murderers.

"I wanted my crews to be well blooded. to have a taste of success for a change".

Lubeck was completely burned to the ground. The entire city was scorched earth.

Harris then incinerated another Baltic city in Rostock another historic city. The Germans attempted to retaliate in bombing Bath, Norwich, Exeter, York and Cantebury, but it could no longer match the firepower the British Bomber Command was unleashing due to American Lend Lease. The British now had 1000 squadron bomber flights, and Harris unleashed this on Cologne, Germany's 3rd largest city.
600 acres, an entire section of city of 2 square miles was incinerated.
What followed was 1000 bomber raids on Essen and Bermen with like effects. For those who think that Dresden was an isolated incident. Dresden came much later as the British had been mass murdering by fire Germans for years.

Harris moved on to the Battle of the Ruhr which lasted from March until July. It deployed 800 bombers which flew 18,000 raids and dropped 58,000 tons of bombs on Germany.
During this time, Harris destroyed the Mohne and Eder dams to stop the hydroelectric output and unleashing tidal waves in the valley.

That was an isolated war crime though, as Harris embarked on a 4 night raid on Hamburg in July, which by design was carried out in a hot dry period of summer, which unleashed a firestorm to incinerate the population and suffocate them in the fire sucking oxygen out of the people's lungs.

The Lame Cherry is to remind you at this point of the claimed gassing of Jews using Zyklon.  Compare if it did happen in the numbers claimed, a humanicide killing almost instantly, compared to Germans deliberately baked in their homes.

The firestorm was precluded by a bombing campaign to fracture the water supply of Hamburg in 847 places. When the four days of hell ended in Hamburg as unleashed by the British, 80% of the city was obliterated. The fires reached 1500 degrees and 40 million tons of Hamburg clogged the streets as 30,000 people were dead. 20% of the dead were children with female deaths 40% higher than males.
The majority of people who died in Hamburg in World War II were not soldiers, but were civilians.

The British would continue with the firestorm genocide at Kassel where fires burned for 7 days. Wurzburg wold have 4000 dead, Darmstadt 6000 dead, Helibronn 7000 dead, Wuppertal 7000 dead, Weser 9000 dead, Magdeburg 12,000 dead.

The Lame Cherry will remind you at this point, that the claimed Jewish holocaust HAD NOT YET BEGUN IN GERMANY as this British terror was unleashed on German non combatants. The question should now be asked in this historically if the Nazi's understanding it was Jewish leftists in Europe and Jewish financiers in London who had called for the extermination of Germans and the end of the German state before the war, embarked on a policy of retaliation on the Jews of Europe, in response to what the British were incinerating Germany with?

What followed the above was Harris of Bomber Command, in November 1943, set the firestorm sights on Berlin which had "only" suffered 200 acres of damage up to this point.
Joseph Goebbells the Gauleiter of Berlin urged the population to evacuate Berlin. 1 million Berliners were refugees in fleeing their homes. 3.5 million Germans remained and underwent the worst air terrorism of the war in Europe. By the end of March 1944, Berlin had 1.5 million more homeless and 6000 dead, and 2000 acres or 6 square miles of the city was obliterated.
The only reason the Berlin holocaust was called off, was the British bombers were ordered to support the Normandy invasion. Even in this Harris with great effort protested in bombing military targets in France to assist the Americans, as he deemed his "bombing mission" in Germany of greater necessity.
The fact is that after slaughtering millions of Germans for over 2 years, the British air force terrorism had achieved absolutely nothing, but being guilty of crimes against humanity.

While the Americans in Europe did not reach the war criminal status of the British in bombing Germans, due to the reality that Franklin Roosevelt knew that the majority of the American population was of German affiliation, that if it became known that America was allowing the British to mass murder Germans, many who had relatives in America, the American air force was not concerned in unleashing their B 29's on the Japanese "proletariat" by fire bombing those populations and incinerating them.

The above is not about what the Germans are accused of, but what a British historian records the British were involved in as regime policy of mass murdering innocent Germans and the American regime of FDR was completely aware of this, as FDR was aware of the war crimes the Russians were unleashing in mass murdering Germans on the Eastern Front.
Remember the fact in this, that the Germans allowed the British to evacuate at Dunkirk, the Germans had allowed the French to rule themselves after surrender and that the Germans took great pains to never attack the Americans to bring them into the war.

I have no idea what your soul's response is to the above information. For me, I repeat I am still stunned and sickened by reading of the cold blooded mass murdering policy which the British government unleashed on Germans in World War II, and that the good guys in the United States were absolutely aware of these war crimes and did nothing about it, but did unleash the same evil on the Japanese lower classes.

Winston Churchill had his limits on racism though, as the Italians were pro American and favored the English, when Bomber Harris wanted to assassinate Benito Mussolini, leader of Italy. Churchill vetoed the scheme of bombing El Duce to death, because his excuse was it would destroy historical and civilian targets.
Churchill had zero conscience in  the genocide of Germans, but slaughtering Italians was something Winston Churchill would not become involved with.
It is a pit that the English did not feel the same about Americans in 1776, 1812 and 1851 when outright and through conspiring caused the murder of hundreds of thousands of Americans, and in 2016 were the source of the fake Russiagate files meant to bring down the government of Donald John Trump.

Nuff Said
