Saturday, February 9, 2019

With a little help from a friend

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am sitting here with regrets as a man I knew died this past Sunday in a nursing home and in the generous donations from the rich not having come in, I was not able to help him all these years and in all the shit from the mother, the goddamn HAARP winter and as I said wondering about being homeless here, I never got into to see him, after I learned from my cousin that the sheriff had pretty well railroaded him into confined care.
He put up a fight, but after he settle down, he knew it was what had to be done, and the fight was that he knew he was never coming out of that death hole.

For those who wonder about how Christian I am in one minute swearing like a whore and the next teaching Inspired Scripture, you will probably wonder about me in admiring this man as the brier patch has a code, which you will learn about if you keep reading.

See this man was a bully, a pilferer,  a liar and when I was talking to my neighbor about him tonight, his first words, "He sure was an onery bastard and I am surprised he died."

Near as I figured he was an adulterer, his wife canned him, and she cleaned him out pretty good, and he let her thinks she had insurance, at which point she got cancer, and he had not paid the premiums. Yes he really something this one, from stealing gas out of necessity to just plain damned lying to someone who he didn't like or wanted to screw with.

I remember being taken along to open gates to check my beloved Uncle's traps....he called it 'come along with me deer hunting', but I knew what it was. On the way we stopped and talked to a guy who was looking for a deer he wounded. Been at it all day.
Later we came across the guy who just died and Uncle mentioned it to him, at which he said, 'He never hit that deer. I just told him that because I don't like him".
Uncle said later, "You got to watch him, because he does stuff like that if he doesn't like you".

The thing is he liked my family, especially my Uncle and dad. His dad in fact was going to set my dad up in trucking, but old Burt died before that dream came about, and what followed instead was a group of kind of broken men, out at bars all night, showing up here at 3 AM, each with a can of oysters, they would milk our cows, and make oyster stew. Lord God everyone of them would be in prison now, including my old man for the shit they used to pull.

Last time I saw him, TL was with me, and he was in a parking lot sitting there outside a store. We stopped and he was grinning at us, and we talked to him for about 20 minutes. That was one man though who could scowl at me in the laundery, and I had to be the one to go over and talk to him first as he was having an attitude day. He appreciated it though when I said it was nice to talk to him again. I meant it, because I always like that rounder as goddamn it, if he gave you his word, by God he kept it. If you needed help and he liked you, you got help.
I remember when my dad died, he sent 20 bucks and my brother exclaimed,"That's probably the last 20 bucks that man had".
Like I said, he was a good shit and he might steal from some son of a bitch he didn't like, but he never stole from us, or anyone else he liked, as he was generous where it counted and he stuck by his shit relatives when they should have gotten a boot up the ass.

Before they boxed him up, he was sleeping in a dog shed. Then had moved onto his Ford Ranger, where my cousin said that he had some kid wire up about every kind of appliance and heater in that thing. He showered up at the fire hall, as my cousin said, 'What the hell, he helped build the thing so he had rights to the place."

See everyone knew this guy for what he was, was no secret about it, knew what he pulled, knew what a man he was not to cross in his prime, but when he was old and broken down with bad knees, a hernia and God knows what else, people still cared about him, because he was a friend.

A character like this probably is not prime rib for Heaven, but I am going to inquire about him, where he is, and after the mother I swore off saving people, but for him, if he is in hell, by God's Grace I am going to get that man into Heaven as I have had that Grace from God. It is my own business in how I go about it Inspired, and something I do not abuse. Never even got the mother into Heaven, as that was God's doing before she went limp, but this one I am going to do him one last good turn, as he is the last of that group of my dads and although I will not get the old man out, after what the mother pulled, this guy never did me a wrong that I could hold it against him. For loyalty, I will go to the wall for him.

You just do things like that for people worth a damn.

Nuff Said
