Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Farmcart Crucifixion of Protestants

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will not let you forget in your propaganda the crimes against humanity which the Russians unleashed with British aide in World War II, as Americans looked on in complicity in supplying the vehicles which carried the Soviet hordes into the serenity of Prussia for her to face holocaust and genocide like no other people on earth.
The Jew received a nation, trillions in American military support, but the surviving Prussian was left to die of exposure, after Soviets mass raped and murdered them,  as the English incinerated them at Dresden, and these allies obliterated Prussia from the map and renamed it Poland.

Speed, frenzy and savagery characterised the advance. Villages and small towns burned, while Soviet soldiers raped at will and wreaked an atavistic vengeance in those houses and homes decked out with any of the insignia or symbols of Nazism....

Some fussily bedecked Nazi party portrait photograph would be the signal to mow down the entire family amidst their tables, chairs and kitchenware. Columns of refugees, combined with groups of Allied prisoners uprooted from their camps, and slave labor no longer enslaved in farm or factory, trudged on foot or rode in farm carts, some to be charged down or crushed in a bloody smear of humans and horses by the juggernaut Soviet tank columns racing ahead with assault infantry astride T 34's.

Raped women were nailed by their hands to the farmcarts carrying their families. Under those lowering January skies and the gloom of late winter, families huddled in ditches or by the roadside, fathers intent on shooting their own children or waiting whimpering for what seemed like the wrath of God to pass.

The Soviet Front command finally intervened, with an order insisting on the restoration of military discipline and the implementation of 'norms of conduct' towards the enemy population. But this elemental tide surged on, impelled by the searing language of roadside posters and crudely daubed slogans proclaiming 'this and the land ahead the lair of the Fascist beast', a continuous incitement to brutalised ex prisoners of war.
-Professor John Errickson

None of this has been answered for, and from London, to Moscow to Washington DC, I want for these mass raped and dead humans, a Nuremberg II, to nail the political foreskins of those involved to the wall of history so none of this is every forgiven nor forgotten.
The excuse of "This was done to the Jew first" is rubbish as the Prussian families had no part in that over estimated propagandized tale. No one gets carte blanche to unleash war crimes, because those charges appear elsewhere in history.

Where are the equal Prussian holocaust memorials in number in America, German and the Israeli state, lest we forget and it happens again?

Nuff Said
