Wednesday, May 8, 2019


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Lost in history is the real carrion of history, full of the gore and gut which are the intestines of how races rise and fall. This story is one which will educate you past the Native American, which is a farce as they are Native Asians, and most of them were crossed with Viking or Phoenicians in the North American bands.

There is not such a thing as Indian lands in the United States. The two most dominant tribes in the Sioux and Apache were Canadian Indians. The Apache in fact were quite docile in northern Canada, until they got into a tribal dispute over their dogs, and simply moved south to the southern plains.

For those who know the Apache of Geronimo, they know them as mountain warriors, but the Apache were not mountain Indians, At their genesis this terror tribe was a north Texas plains band  of some farming and mostly hunting and stealing, as all tribes were. That dominance though met the Spanish moving north to establish their empire, and checked the Spaniards out of Mexico as a line of terror. It was though around 1700 that the Spanish started noticing something odd on their northern borders, as did the Navajo who were under Spanish control, and that was the Apache were disappearing. The Apache raids were ceasing to become a problem but for some reason the Spanish were not inquisitive enough to try and ascertain why they were now safe.

The answer would appear later and would be due to another Spanish introduction. For all the racist whining about white man diseases, there  was something which created Indian super states in America, and that was the reality when Spanish horses bred, some escaped, some were stolen and they ended up in wild Indian hands.

At this time the Spanish mustangs had moved into Wyoming where a real grubber band of Indians existed, in conflict with other tribes of the area. They had no name and would later be called a bastardized Navajo name of Comanche.
These people though in being clumsy at walking, quite nit eating, grubby and barely able to feed themselves, had within their genetics an incredible ability. They not only knew psychology, they knew how to terrorize primates as much as horse to submit to their wills.

A Comanche would beat, rape and torture captives into submission in people, and a Comanche would terrify, choke off and conquer a horse to being a submissive extension of the Indian.

The horse would transform the nit eaters of Wyoming to the Comanche of the Texas plains.

With long spears, and bows and arrows, the Comanche learned drills in using horses for chasing buffalo and combat. The horseless Apache, and those tribes not as skilled on horses, were mowed  down before this expanding terror state.
The Apache were known to be as all aboriginals in torturing men to death, raping women to death, gutting young children and leaving them alive. That is stated so you understand fully how evil the Apache was at terrorism. When the Apache me though the advancing Comanche in Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, the Comanche were the ones terrifying the Apache. This is why the Apache fled to the mountains and then tried to find protection from the Spanish as they were terrified of the Comanche.

None of this worked though as except for a 10 year truce in one major Spanish Mexican victory, the Comanche preyed on the Spanish and soon drove them out of the southern United States.

It would not be until 30 years of sporadic warfare with the Texans and then the United States, that the ill effects of another gift from Europeans in diseases and gun powder, which would smash this terror empire.

I realize that most of you reading this are stunned that Indians  preyed on each other. The "civilized tribes" of the east committed genocide on Americans, and ate each other, until smashed by Americans who began learning in New York and Kentucky that being "rangers" on horses was  the way to beat the Indians in learning to be even more lethal than the Indians were at fighting.

The same result took place on the northern plains in the smashing of the Sioux and Cheyenne after another protracted 30 years war where the United States never took the gloves off in the full might of the US military unleashed. Once the Custer pioneered mobilized warfare returned which the rangers of the East had learned 100 years previous, it was a matter of hitting the terrorists where they struck from.
For those who never get the Custer massacre correct, the Indians  knew he was coming, as everyone did. Custer's command was  divided to look for Indians, and given orders to return, which Reno and Benteen did not, violating orders.  As General Nelson Miles noted, no command which has 2/3rds of it's ranks not following orders, can win any battle.
The US Army of the old guard knew exactly what happened at the Little Big Horn in Reno and Benteen were conduits of President Grant's revenge on Custer for testifying against corruption by the Indian Ring. Custer and his men were left to die, and those involved were taken out by court martial as the military leaders abided their time.

The same was true on the southern plains, in the Indians  were crushed by a rather lackluster wandering of a Grant favorite in Ranald MacKenzie. It was Custer's inroads  in knocking the first blow against the Cheyenne on the Washita and Parson Chivington smashing the Cheyenne at Sand Creek which sent the first messages that Indian terrorists with white scalps and white children hostage in their camps were going to be cut down, and all of their horses shot.
The Comanche like all terrorists had to learn the hard lesson, but it was a much more humane lesson than the Comanche gave the Apache or the Spanish.  It was more humane than the Sioux gave the Crow, Pawnee, Hadatsa, Ree and Minnesotans in genocide.

The year was 1706 when Comanche unleashed the ultimate weapon on the peoples of that region. Regretably it would  be 170 years before the Comanche would become the good Indians which General Sheridan noted of all terrorists.

Nuff Said
