Monday, May 27, 2019

A Statement From The Chancellor

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Chancellor is not going anywhere. He has taken names, making an enemies list, and our young Sebastian is allowing his Neanderthal to appear. I would not want this man focused upon me as he is not going anywhere.

These were difficult days for our republic. And it was a challenging time for my whole team and me as well.

A video of the FPÖ has shown a picture of politics that could not be more disgusting. Fantasies of abuse of power, corruption and media control have made it impossible for the FPÖ to move on. New elections were not my wish, but a necessity.

Together with the Federal President, I quickly secured a transitional government with well-known experts. A solution that almost two-thirds of people felt was good.

This majority of people was not heard today in parliament.

The SPÖ has decided to put revenge games and the interests of its own party above those of the country - and also over the will of the majority in the population. It formed a new coalition in Parliament on Monday - from the SPÖ and FPÖ. With a single goal: "Kurz has to go".

With or without office, I promise all:
I am still here!
And more importantly: WE are still here!

We are all in this country who supported our chosen course of change. With less taxes and less debt. With a clear attitude against illegal migration. And with a policy that does not serve the system or itself, but the people.

Today, the parliament has determined.
But in the end, in Austria, the people are still deciding!
In the elections next September.

Our way has just begun.

- Sebastian Kurz
