Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Only Hillary Wanted in 2020

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Like all of you, I am certain you are depressed about the Democratic Party 2020 presidential herd, as the qualifications seem to be, you either bore people to death, are having anal sex which brings death or you are in danger of dying before the end of a speech in the candidates are so old.

It is disappointing in Hillary Clinton is once again trying to infuse enough baby blood into her veins to take 300 years off of her life in order to try and steal an election again, but let us face reality in, she could not beat Al Gore in 2000, she could not bat John Kerry in 2004, could not beat Obama in 2008 or 2012, and could not beat Donald Trump in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. Hillary Clinton is the first candidate in the history of the Democratic party who lost as much as FDR won.

For that reason, the Lame Cherry seeks to assist the Democrats in a candidate who can defeat Donald Trump and most importantly deal with the perpetual problem of Hillary Clinton, and that of course is the idealistic and passionate voice of Alec Baldwin who should be the DNC nominee for 2020.

This of course is the reason Alec Baldwin will be president.

Yes Hilaria Baldwin is the Hillary that all will love, as Hillary Clinton will fulfill her eternal role of everyone hating her. Is this not the answer in no one can make anyone love Hillary Clinton, so by just letting everyone hate her, even more, as they love Hillaria, a woman more lovely than Melania Trump, and cute children, whose father adores them as much as Donald Trump adores his children, is the power platform.

Stack the 5000 Democratic candidates together against Alec Baldwin, and Alec Baldwin vanquishes the field of losers.

Just think of what the Democratic Party has degraded into. Jim Carey whiners who draw cartoon resistance to that odd assortment of Pelosi virgins who can not make up their minds if they are whores or lesbians.

Alec Baldwin is the only man who can take on the ghost of Barack Hussein Obama, and remove that dark shadow from the party. Alec Baldwin is the only man who resurrect the dreams of Camelot in the Kennedy's. Alec Baldwin is the only man  who can castrate the rape legacy of Bill Clinton and make an honest woman of the lesbian Hillary Clinton.
2020 for Democrats is not about beating Donald Trump. 2020 is about defeating past democrats and in that, Donald Trump can only be defeated.

The Democratic Party is nothing but a perpetual degeneration. Manwhore John Kennedy. Mule Stud Lyndon Johnson. The attempt at lust in his heart Jimmy Carter. Rapist Bill Clinton and then the Designer Negro messiah complexes, invited to sully the bed of politic, has brought 2020 to the door of necrophilia in Biden and Sanders. Sodomy, fornication, whoredom and pedophile in the box in what will pop up next.
The DNC can only arise from this bed of degeneration as there is nothing left to degrade to. The only liberal  with the ability to stand is Alec Baldwin.

The Democratic Party is being split into communists and socialists. Alec Baldwin is the only force capable by the fire of his will to weld the party together again. Only by doing this will the party of Reagan survive, otherwise the Republican Party will be this 3rd  rate patrician assembly of losers by design which no Conservative would ever vote for. It will be in short, Socialist Lite. Alec Baldwin cementing the left's socialists and communists together is the domestic solution to safeguard a party bastardized and impregnated with a political bastard of a tarbaby, no Christian would want.

The only way to save Republicanism under Donald Trump is an even stronger Trump in the Democratic Party.

The salvation of the RNC and DNC is  Alec Baldwin  for President.

Once again another Lame Cherry  exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said.
