Sunday, May 12, 2019

American Horse

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

All of us like to think of things pretty.

Indians of course were handsome and had pretty ponies like the above. The reality is that the above Indian is a mix of aboriginal blood, along with French and Anglo blood. He is as quadroon as Birther Hussein Obama.

Below is what an Indian, a Sioux looked like. This is Rain in the Face, another terrorist who drifted between killing Tom Custer and cutting his heart out, to denying it when it would get him killed, and then lying on his death bed that he killed General Custer, as he left powder burns on his face.
General Custer did not have powder burns on his face. If there were any burns, it was from a self inflicted wound to save himself, as all Americans did to not be mutilated and tortured to death.

The horse that RITF is seated on is better than average Indian mustang. This one shows lines of the Cayuse and Pinto having crossed, but you can see it is typical 14 hands, was abused by weather and famine, and was a very sturdy animal.
When crossed with American horses and Arabs, the Mustang became a remarkable horse, in living without grain as the modern Americans horses were in need of, and would flounder or have colic, but Indian horses at wood and flourished.

Here is  another Indian, named White Bull, making a visit to Custer SD as the area was being settled. Interesting in this is a period photo, but he is not on an Indian horse. The only way an Indian obtained a horse like this was to steal it or kill cavalry troopers. So the Americans died who owned this horse.

Much has always been praised about the Mustang, and yet in the series of photos of Indians I found, none of the big chiefs who raped, robbed, kidnapped and  murdered Americans were ever mounted on those brush bobbers. No, the were all on American horses.

Fantastic trade the Indians had in stolen American property which no one ever makes comment on. Not one of the above  Indians is on a Indian pony, One on the far right may be on a Cayuse or Appaloosa, but  how they obtained that plug was stealing it from another Indian.

That is not to say that better lines did not appear on the plains. Buffalo Bill had Ephraim who was a remarkable running horse, which looked like a plug that would pull a cart.
In these Comanche horses, you can see the American lines replacing the pure Barb lines. The horses are small, but have the American Quarterhorse head and build to them. The Comanche actually took pains to breed horses and castrate them.

 Those are not pure American horses though, and look more Texan, which again points to these are American horses as the primary mounts, as the Indians stole them, murdered Americans for them, and again, no one bothers to mention this.

As in the above horse with the Indian on it, it is a Paint, not a Pinto. That horse is 3/4 American horse bloodlines  and why it looks pretty, and not that rough looking thing Rain in the Face is perched on.

Yes those were the goode olde days,.

Nuff Said
