Sunday, May 12, 2019

Why do Jews hate Donald Trump?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I simply wonder if Donald Trump being successful and having a blonde daughter in Ivanka, that an Asian Ashkenaz wanted to shove his cock into, other than those towel in the mouth Ashkenaz girls of Jewmerica (You know what I mean in those Meathead Reiner Yiddish types that can not help but talk whining, sound like they got a towel shoved in their mouth and are spitting saliva at you with each word.), that Jews in breaking the 10 Commandments are jealous of Donald Trump who was successful in even beating them, in showing that he could accomplish what Jewry by hook and crook could not do.

By David P. Goldman 2019-05-08T06:02:51

Donald Trump out Shylocks the Shylocks, as that has to be the reason, as look at the record.

Don gave the Jews the Golan.

Don gave the Jews Jerusalem.

Don gave the Jews a Peace in Jared's Time.

Jews have not been able to do that by Mosaad trickery for all their Roman existence......that is one long ass time to be failures and then have to go out and prey on successful Christian peoples to lend your way to to dominance.

Here look at this thing posted on Panda Jew Media.

The Huelefant in the Parlor

PJ Media, by David P. Goldman [Spengler]    Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac- 5/9/2019 10:42:58 AM     Post Reply
The grand battle of the Trade Avengers in Washington really isn´t that important in the grand scheme of things. What matters is the implosion of America´s technological predominance, exemplified by the Trump Administration´s strategic humiliation over Fifth Generation (5G) mobile broadband. In 1258 the Mongols appeared before the gates of Baghdad, the capital of the Abbasid Dynasty. Caliph Al-Musta´sim assumed that the capital´s 12-foot-thick walls would protect the city against lightly-armed Mongol horsemen, but the Mongols brought with them a thousand Chinese siege engineers. The Chinese mercenaries breached the walls within three weeks and the Mongols killed most of

People say they need a translator to read my stuff here, but I ask you in an analogy, what in the hell does the Mongols, Iraq and big walls have to do with Donald Trump, China  and 5 G?

Seriously, Mongols are not Chinese and ancient Iraq is not the United States. Jews can be so racist all the time and no one calls them out on it.

Jews also like pretending they are more intelligent than other races. While Panda Jew trashes Donald Trump and American industry compared to Xi and huckster China over 5G, there are realities that this Chinaman Jew worshiping zealot has overlooked.

Namely 5G is not safe. When there are realities that people who have 4G in phones on their chests, growing tumors the shape of cell phones and tumors around the ear in the shape of earwigs.....just what do you think a high radiation  tower covering entire cities, as it requires greater concentration of towers for 5G then 4G is going to do to humans, animals and plants?

I am all for China, Europe and liberal American rat's nest to experiment on their culls and turn them into tumors than for Americans to be exposed to this kind of untested danger.

And while Panda Jew brags about the great Chinese innovation which they stole from the United States, I know what Chinese technology is.
I have Chinese computer batteries which do not fit in my laptop. I have Chinese batteries which do not last. I have experienced Chinese water faucet washers breaking as they are so thin. I have Chinese pots that take twice as much heat, as they are sub standard cast iron. I have ordered movies from China and discovered how damn crooked they are, in one sent me a toy and the other apparently stole the movies out of a box that a Hollywood company had ordered up and was selling them.

To put it mildly, a Chinese 5G system is going to last about as long as my Taiwan cell phone which got hot as a stove and warped the back cover, and those crooked bastards would not replace it, because the Chinese are all crooks.

So Panda Jew from Jew Street Finance can mock Donald Trump, as Panda Jew from Jew Street Finance is in bed with financing Chicom businesses and laundering their loot, but I know what is the real issue in there is a coming infrastructure issue in this world, which will bring a dark ages, and it is China manufacturing. American goods from 50 years ago still work. Chinese parts will be done in 10 years or less. Those peoples in South Korea,  Japan, Germany and the United States who refrain from Chinese shit, are going to prevail in the long run, as with China it is going to have to be reworked again in less than a generation.

Get caught with that in a war, and you will be defeated.

There are all these wonders about robots, but running one Amazon robot on 5G now is not a million robots heating the system up or discovering that Chinese 5G will not withstand the real world from solar EMP to lightning strikes.
