Mr. President, someone has to keep your promises...
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
HUD Secretary Ben Carson is the only person in Trump Trans who is keeping his Trump's Promises, and his latest statement before Congress, has the deep state, or more to the point, those factions of Ashkenaz finance who have control of trillions of dollars in the human traffick of 3rd world vermin, going Castrate Carson in this deep state lynching.
All Ben Carson did was state that he was going to take care of Americans FIRST and not allow them to be displaced by foreigners when it comes to their squatting in public housing making Americans homeless.
See the deal that Donald John Trump has, via Homeland's former John Kelly, was you were going to subsiding your own genocide, while throwing poor Americans out of the housing you built for them. It was supposed to be free housing, so that these Nazi conglomerates could spend slave wages on these vermin, as free housing, means the vermin have that money to buy cars and phones, while sending funds to Latin America for the drug cartels..........all with the help of Lutheran Social Services and Catholic and Jew charities cleaning up.
Ben Carson Claims 'Oreo' Flub A Result Of Mishearing, Not Incompetence
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson wants people to know he's not incompetent at his job …
That is why this statement from Sec. Carson is bringing out the Nigger Lynch mob to get him.
HUD Secretary Ben Carson
To wit, receiving little or no press coverage, HUD secretary Ben Carson appeared before the Financial Services Committee to explain his plans to eventually evict undocumented immigrant families from public housing saying that the U.S. needs to “take care of your own first.”
“It’s not that we’re cruel, mean-hearted. It’s that we are logical. This is common sense,” Carson said during a hearing with Democratic House Financial Services Committee members. “You take care of your own first.”
The Lame Cherry praises Sec. Carson and it is the most disheartening of realities that he is the only person in Trump Trans who actually is protecting Americans, as Vice President Mike Pence in his Indian Mafia just joined Jared Kushner on a green card scheme of ridding more Americans of jobs, while Kushner sells American citizenship to foreign black market cartel vermin.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, explaining things to all of you head up your ass people out there.
You want to be told how wonderful you are? Stop showing me what uncaring assholes you are as you sit in your luxury pretending you are Christians and that you give a blessing about America.
Nuff Said