Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Lame Cherry said this over a Decade ago

What do you mean that you're Master Woman?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You know I get pissed off sometimes on how flattered I am in people stealing my content in deluding themselves into thinking they thought of it, or having their audiences believe they came across this profound thought.

The American Thinker just posted this:

No, the Fascists and the Nazis Were Not Right-Wingers

The Left and mainstream political science identify Italian fascism and German National Socialism as right-wing ideologies.  Their motivation is clear: they do not want to be associated with regimes that brought civilization horror and suffering on an unprecedented scale.  The Left traditionally substantiates its point of view with two theoretical propositions.  First of all, fascism and Nazism do not belong to the Left because those regimes did not institute total collective ownership on means of production as Marx prescribed.  Secondly, nationalism and racism have traditionally been features of the right, whereas the Left is perceived to comprise internationalists.

See over a decade ago CIA assets like Rush Limbaugh were spewing the "Nazis are right wing" bullshit in the Jewish instigated leftist propaganda, and the Lame Cherry undertook the reality of educating the world, of what was right wing and what was left wing.

After that education permeated the internet, the world suddenly knew that National Socialists were leftwingers, like Donald Trump in his policies are leftist. Of course, now this thought is all over the place and for some reason, no one mentions that Lame Cherry is the source of this like Nuff Said, 1600 Penn Avenue, Indian Mafia etc...

I have been blessed by God to affect the collective thought in clearing out the shit for brains, but when I am sitting here in poverty, that other people who are not rich are donating what they can and I feel like shit for that, I get pissed off as they have the lives to piss around posting on the internet from their secure worlds, and I wonder what will become of us tomorrow.

The Lame Cherry by God's Grace has changed the entire debate. It was not Donald Trump. Donald Trump is only where he is because this blog wrote the time line by God's Grace. Too many people are living a grande life and getting all the credit for what I labored for.

Plagiarism sucks as much as a back alley whore or the original Barack Obama.

Nuff Said
