Friday, May 3, 2019

Earth Core Temperature Cooling In Polar Shift

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is an important Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, as all here, but this is one of the doomsday notices which all of us are experiencing, but none of us have pieced together this part of the puzzle. We hear about polar shifts, we hear about temperature changes, we even hear now that Big Foot is a trans dimensional being.....because that appeared here first, and I do not receiver credit or monetary compensation for that discovery. What you are about to read though is something which will piece together a number of things to make what you are experiencing in ignorance and have not a clue.

Since childhood I have invested years of reading and research into subjects which interested me. From my earliest days, I wanted a piece of land, and an underground home on it. I devised numerous ways to make this home into an affordable functioning off the grid garden where I could withdraw from the world.

In doing research, my Memory Alpha stores vast quantities of data in my brain. I remember in reading Robert Rodale's manuals that the average mean temperature of the United States in ground temperatures was around 58 degrees in the north to 62 degrees in the south. I knew this to be fact as when I turned on the cold water facet where our pipes ran through that ground, that the temperature was a cool 58 degrees and not cold.
I could  then use that temperature to heat a garage in winter, or a greenhouse in the winter, as I have a pamphlet of people in the Colorado mountains doing just that to a high 50's in temperature. In summer, my pipes would provide natural cooling. Mother Earth would take care of me with a little wood burning of solar energy in an underground home.

I noticed something began changing last year though in the water coming out of the faucet was cold. It was so cold this winter, that it actually would hurt. I noticed that the water heater was running a great deal more in it being a replacement, and as it was a better water heater, something had to have changed and the change was the water temperature.

The above photo is of the water temperature in the Brier Patch at 49 degrees. This would be 6 feet under the ground, which was insulated with snow, so it was not a deep freeze this winter which would penetrate. So I started looking at my 49 degrees for data charts and discovered the data charts have changed to the temperatures have all gotten colder in water and ground temperatures. Gone is the 58 degree medium for the United States.

The problem in this is, even the temperature charts are not in agreement, as it requires a deep well to start gaining heat  in the 50 degree range to sell geothermal heat, and when just recording water in not marketing a product, you can see that parts of the United States and most of Canada are now almost in permafrost temperatures where the water is. The water is close to freezing, and that my dear children is the reason at May 1st my water is hurting coming out of the faucet. It is almost frozen in the ground.


To explain this, this is going to require you to forget about solar heating and all the propaganda you have been deluged with to brainwash you. There is an equally important heat source for the earth which is not the sun, and it is the earth's internal molten core, created by compression of mass by gravity.
Yes it creates volcanoes, but it creates a constant temperature for life in this earth body, as the sun raise temperatures above crystalline water frozen to bring life.

What the indications are, is the earth core temperature has significantly cooled. For those who challenge this, the reality is, my 49 degrees is 11 degrees colder than it should be, according to data 20 years ago. In current propaganda it is almost 10 degrees warmer than it should be. So either the earth core temperature is rising or it is falling. The point is, it is not static as it should be. I will though believe my hands feeling frozen after washing to conclude that the earth core temperature has fallen.

There are external forces at work on earth, more so than ever in gravity waves, which were causing earthquakes. The question the Lame Cherry now proposes is, what if what is squeezing the earth is not gravity waves , but the earth is shrinking because it's core temperature is cooling off?

A shrinking planet would shift plates for earthquakes and a shrinking planet would cause magma to be pressurized for areas  like Yellowstone caldera. What if in these end times, a natural cycle of earth is taking place, when polar shift appears in the magma iron moves and a cooling takes place?
What if the earth's internal heater dims every 100,000 years or perhaps even more frequent in ice ages appear? What if the sun in limited solar activity, couples at times with earth's natural heat lessening, that it sets off ice ages, and plate shifts?

Would this not explain plate shifts which the Bible records, and with stellar forces rose mountains quickly? Would this not explain how tropical vegetation is quick frozen in Antarctica?
Would this not then point to after this magma shift has completed, that earth temperatures would rise and in warming solar cycles produce a more tropical earth?

There are buried cities under the ocean. There is the 200 mile Continental Shelf off the United States, before deep ocean appears. Two water levels, but what if the scientists have it ass backwards, in it is not the seas that rise, but instead the plates of the earth shift and in turn rise and fall, due to expansion of the heated core of the earth.

The water in my faucet means Earth's core is cooling at a very fast pace in decades and not eons. If I was rich, I would not have noticed this, but being a poor orphan looking for big donations, I notice when my hands hurt from washing them.

I expect like all the revelations here, for this data to be stolen and you will start hearing about this in the fringe media, unless  it is HAARP regime control, then Mockingbird shuts that down.

I know I read 58 degrees. I know I have geothermal heating pamphlets of people heating greenhouses in Colorado in winter....and they were not doing that at 37 degrees. Something has changed and someone has changed the data which is now available. I do though know the difference between cold water and water which hurts when I wash my hands.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

