As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I just thought I would help Hole in the Borders Donald Trump, in showing him what a real border wall looks like, in how Bulgarians keep out Turkish vermin.
This is Police chief Ivan Stoyanov, with his 5 foot wide, 15 feet high and THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF TURKISH BORDER, a razor wire fence that fillets Muslims to shreds. It keeps out 500 invaders a month. The number being low is even Muslims learn that dying to get into Bulgaria is a bad idea.
50 miles of fillet the flessh off Muslims, and better yet, there are armed border guards, in what could be better than guns and razor wire.
Apparently the big white dong on the border is what they shove up Muslim asses before they throw their corpses back over the fence into Turkey.
This is the kind of leadership you get with Chancellor Sebastian Kurz in charge.
Nuff Said