As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
For those who think that Mexicans dumped into Fargo North Dakota to work in industrial plants or Somalis cluttering the landscape of the Minnesota Twin Cities is just a disconnect, it is all about a historic exploitation of Americans.
America first had dumped into it White Niggers, or the conquerred Scotch and Irish, by the English. When England took over the slave trade from the Iberians, the Nigger was dumped into the United States and the Indies.
After this, land abounded, and as the Nigger was not suited to development of society in taming a wild land in the cold west, more White Niggers from Europe were imported. The chief group being the Saxons, a very hardy race of England, northern France, Germany and Scandinavia.
Once world wars were used to crop the White Protestants from America, and industrialized warfare became the norm, the White Protestant became expendable, as the land was developed and these Christians were of high IQ and possessed firearms to revolt.
The American Genocide follows in the replacement of White Protestants with the degenerate low IQ Muslim and Jesuit to be exploited, until that tan cloth of the land is replaced by robots.
See robots could replace Protestants, but if they were not displaced by actual primate vermin in rape, robbery and death, protected by the police state, the Saxon Protestant would actually begin a revolution, in not being distracted by the competing 3rd world vermin.
The Protestant is as I predicted the modern Indian in this drama to be replaced by the waves of Jesuits and Muslims as the Indian was replaced before.
On page 223 of his biased account of the Comanche, liberal SC Gwynne records some data in how old this modern criminal enterprise is, in the forerunner of the Indian Ring, while making a fortune slaughtering Americans in the east in the Civil War, during those years the terror nation of the Comanche, had become a Chicago trading house of beef commodities.
Texan Charles Goodnight the son of Texas, estimated that the Comanche stole 300,000 head of cattle from Americans in the Civil War years. They traded them to Mexican Comancheros for the modern assault rifles of that era, and ammo, and the Mexicans, then in New Mexico, sold the cattle to the United States army, in this criminal syndicate.
Gwynne mentions that the General in charge of New Mexico, a General Carlton knew all about the scheme and the fact is Anglo Americans, that is English, began funding the Comancheros as there were huge profits to be made.
What was taking place in Texas in 1865, though was about to be unleashed following the term of President Andrew Johnson, under the corrupt General Grant in wholesale looting by the Indian Ring. The fortunes made in the Civil War, were fortunes to be extended in the Indian Wars.
First there was the buffalo hides and tongues, and then there were the guns, and lastly the most enduring prize of all, the Indian Affairs handouts, where supplies disappeared at high prices and were resold, and what appeared was rotten meat or moldy flour on the reservation.
All to the chorus of, "On my pet Indians are victims and it is the white man's fault", from the christian sects who wanted control over those bucks and squaws as the Indians tamed produced a whole lot of revenue for these good christians from the government and from their own collection plates.
This is what General George Custer testified before Congress before his death in the winter of 1875, and was murdered by the Indian Ring in the summer of 1876. The Indians were allowed to pour out of Minnesota, which was always a hot bed of terrorism, into Montana. They were informed that the 7th was coming as much as General Crook from the south. Crook turned back and went hunting after a retreat from the Rosebud, and he left General Custer's family group to be slaughtered.
To put it plainly, George Custer was betrayed by two officers loyal to General Grant in Reno and Benteen, neither followed orders and brought up their troops nor supplies. They left the Custer command to be slaughtered for George Custer's testimony before Congress.
The Indians in their ignornace like to brag about the fight there. It was not a fight, it was a created slaughter to shut up the Americans who were fighting corruption. As there was not any more money to be made from the terrorists, they were crushed in 1877, and the White Niggers of Europe were brought in to develop the land for the same money interests.
This management in the allowing in this invasion of these 3rd world primates to replace the Americans, and that does include White, Indians and Blacks, as one fights, one has land that has resources and the other will not fight or work, is the same butchery and high crimes against humanity which only this poor orphan girl writes on. There is a fatal flaw in Americans, that unless a community leader of strong will says these things or mic heads make this an issue to confirm what is happening, thee American will sit like the frog in the heating pan and be roasted.
Al Gore for the elite informed everyone what is to happen to America. It is to be a big wildlife park for the elite. What the Founders would have revolted over in what Americans accept now, will in the coming years hint at The Cage from Star Trek, where cities will be surrounded by 75 miles of parks, where humans can "visit" and then return to their zoos.
In time the cities will disappear and nothing will be left but the immortals walking over the graves of Americans.
That is the future of the United States.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said