As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
We are trying 3 word sentences here in lieu of rich people being busy booking plane tickets out of major metro areas in lieu of nuclear cremation and knowing their family members will be too busy spending the inheritance than burying them.
I warned you of this. 5 words
Sabotage in the Gulf: First pictures emerge
of damage to four ships, including two
Saudi oil tankers, that were ´attacked´ off
the UAE coast amid fears of looming*
Daily Mail (UK), by George Martin & Tim Stickings Original Article |
Posted By: JoniTx- 5/13/2019 7:10:38 PM Post Reply |
Iran and America moved closer to the brink of war today after two Saudi oil tankers were mysteriously ´sabotaged´ in the Gulf of Oman. The two ships were among four commercial vessels which were targeted off the UAE coast, one of which was due to pick up oil destined for America. Amid spiralling tensions in recent days, the U.S. had warned ships that ´Iran or its proxies´ could target maritime traffic in the region - and now suspects Iran was behind the latest attacks. A U.S. military team sent to inspect the damage believes that that Iran or Iranian-backed proxies |
Iranians always attack their Russian allies. 6 words
Israel warned White House of possible Iran plot before Bolton ...
Israel passed information on an alleged Iranian plot to attack U.S. interests in the Gulf to the U.S. before national security adviser John Bolton threatened Iran with "unrelenting force" last night, senior Israeli officials told me.
According to Victor Ostrovsky of Mosaad, stated in Jewish intelligence, the directive was, that Mosaad NEVER burns it's agents, assets or resources on foreign sources. The United States as in the Marine Bombing was provided a vague, "You are in danger", along with 100 other warnings.
The Jews do not on policy EVER reveal sources. 55 words
But alas. 2 words
Iran may attack Israel if U.S. standoff escalates, warns top ...
Iran May Attack Israel if U.S. Standoff Escalates, Warns Top Israeli Minister . Yuval Steinitz, a close Netanyahu ally in the Likud, warned on Sunday of possible direct or proxy Iranian attacks on Israel should the stand-off between Tehran and Washington escalate
This sort of looks like Shakespeare, not though the Merchant of Shylock, but the intrigue of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Yes Russia and America are attacked, allowing an alliance against Iran, in the MI6 Mullahs, and the defenseless nuclear bomb Jew is in danger, so the dominoes fall, America at war with Iran, the Jews doing Philistine and Lebanese cleansing for Greater Judea, as Jared Kushner wears his peace prize.
I have tired of counting words as I have failed in 3 word sentences.
Sebastian Kurz wins. 3 words. Yes I have recovered in counting. 6 words.
I should not have to be more plain than this as this is quite plain. Just consider that one should not breathe easy in a metropolitan area as sparks flint in the Mid Orient for a blaze, as the multiplying factor in this is that the real danger will follow. Recall the words of the Bavarian Seer from Krems, who watched an American conflagration start and those around him stated, "It was not right, but America deserved it for what it had done".
Is America about to "done something" in the near future, which in the not so distant future will have Bavarians agreeing they deserved a nuclear holocaust.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Heed the words of Canadian Ostrovsky. The leopard does not change her spots.
"If there's some sort of conflagration between Iran and the United States, between Iran and its neighbours, I'm not ruling out that they will activate Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad from Gaza, or even that they will try to fire missiles from Iran at the State of Israel," Steinitz, a member of Netanyahu's security cabinet, told Israel's Ynet TV.
Conflagration, interesting word. 3 words
Nuff Said