Thursday, May 9, 2019

Return of the HAARP Death Angel for the Trump Economy

As anther Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The cronies of George HW Bush created China from the rice paddy shit hole to industrial waste for the profit of the cartel of the West. That waste is not going to be allowed to become a shit hole again, as it's importance of a money laundering operation is too vital in sucking revenue out of America.

When the Kushners sold out President Trump to China for Shylock spittle, none of the coup plotters can be any different, in the manifestation before us, is the same group, which this blog will again exclusively reveal.
(I will report on Friday, May 10th, the danger for America, and the HAARP Death Angel reappearing is a reality, not an omen of what is coming to America.)

I will lay this out in finite form.

Donald Trump is being played by communist China. China has no intention of any agreement with the United States, as it intends to keep hegemony. and those backing the swamp of America, desire a continuation of the Obama manifestation of communist organized states, nations and globes.

Now for the yellow brick road of dots.

HAARP as has been reported exclusively on the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives, has since October, when the kill shot was placed upon the mother, and 100,000 elderly and ailing the past 6 months, set upon the United States a chain of events.

Event 1 The United States in weather mod weather bombs ended the planted of wheat for corn.

Event 2 The United States in continued flooding and weather mods, had reached the reality that with the return of the HAARP Death Angel, the already delayed planting of corn in the corn belt from  wet conditions, is promoting a shift to the planting of soybeans.

Event 3 The United States due to reduced growing season, plants soybeans.

For those ignorant  or who have not paid attention to this blog, China is the only importer of soybeans. The US markets are controlled by three major entities, Archer Daniels, and two Jewish families, George Soros and Cargill.  South America is a major exporting contender to the United States, meaning South America gives China leverage against America, but in this America has been in Trump trade wars has been selling soybeans in special allowances to China to benefit the cartel.

What does China do with soybeans? It feeds them to it's pigs and by miracle African Swine Fever has been introduced into China, killing it's  hogs (the fever pig meat though will be marketed to the US clandestinely though as the Chinese throw nothing away.) Dead hogs do not eat soybeans, so that will lessen Chinese demand for US soybeans.

Slaughterhouse Test Blitz Ordered to Stem China's Pig Contagion
China stepped up efforts to control the deadly pig contagion ravaging its $128 billion pork industry, ordering mandatory test…

Yes, now you are probably thinking you have this all figured out,  as the Lame Cherry has accomplished by God the Inspiration again and the thinking for you. The HAARP Death Angel has appeared in America, causing US farmers already in dire economic catastrophe from Trump's trade wars and exporting American fuel driving up costs, has now forced Americans (AS THE LAME CHERRY WARNED MONTHS AGO) to plant soybeans.
China is in trade war with the United States, and someone has killed off the Chinese pigs, which will mean a massive second year surplus of Monsanto Bayer soybeans, with lowering prices.{ (As a Lame Cherry side not in this, the Chicago Commodities have been raising soy prices in the futures markets to entice debt laden American farmers to plant the expensive soybean seeds )(As Indian farmers were leveraged and were broken financially.)}

I digress.

The net result in this, are the 3 controllers of US grains, will benefit by a wheat shortage again, as Soros engineered to absorb Bush43 9 11 stimulus, while gaining volumes of US soybeans cheaply from debt plagued US farmers who will go bankrupt and lose their lands. By this time the Chinese pigs will return and prices will rise for immense profits, but alas Donald Trump will be the victim of this as will his voters, as more elaborate measures are in the works to be unleashed.

As a necessary reminder of those who do not "get me", or can not find the attraction of reading "this person", no matter my Inspired methods from God, NO ONE TOLD YOU THIS SERIES OF DOMINOES which have fallen, were only covered here in assembled order, and projected outcome.

The echo chamber produces the parrot sounds of misdirection.

The cause will always produce the effect.
