Thursday, May 30, 2019

Sebastian Kurz's New Internet, Chinese Financed, No Americans Allowed

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

Even with the attempted coup upon Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, he has not slowed down in the elimination of America as dominant factor upon the globe. As President Donald Trump is now locked into the Brandenburg Bannon cheering of Trump Trade Wars with China as Rush  Limbaugh leers on, in explaining how all of this is a good thing for America, the reality is this:

George HW Bush with the same globalists who looted Russia after the fall of the Iron Curtain, took China from the millet patch and rice paddy, to create a technological pirate state, without any quality control, to use up it's surplus population in a wetware bridge to using stolen technology to bring Peking to the robotic world of the 22nd century to dominate the world.
China is gambling it can loot the solar system before the rest of the world can arrive there.

All of this though is the short term as in 100 year profit structure of the globalists. China is a wetware project whose time is already passing as the Europeans have created their own economic paradigm in using 2 billion docile Africans.
I have mentioned previously that China is  dying, a dead zone, and will publish here the statistics of their current population structure.

By 2060, 92% of China's population will be dead. Of the remaining 17% of that population all will be aged beyond production use. China is dying. 1/3rd of their population will be dead in 10 years. That is not a nation of the global or stellar future. This is a nation to be exploited and await the coming reality.

The coming reality is that as China dies, the billion Muslim and Hindu of Indonesia and India will begin a northward trek of population flow. All of this exposes the ignorant policy of Donald Trump in focusing upon China. China will not be viable in 20 years, with each year it is degrading to that 20. China is moving to technology, in an attempt to make the jump from the hard labor force, as the population is destroyed. But China will not rise to the necessary robotics, as that venture will arise in Europe and the Pacific Rim of peoples capable of invention.

That is the foresight of Sebastian Kurz, in he is using China to make the leap for Europe ahead, to their technology and robotics to suck the lucre out of Africa, as Austria gleans the phantom financing from China to fund this phase. Kurz is sucking the marrow out of an eager China, running to Europe in Peking's hope to survive, while Donald Trump is further bankrupting the United States in a confrontation with a China the Bush family allowed to be created for the elite to exploit, in a war the United States does not need to fight, as time will return China to the rat huts it was for centuries.

May 21, 2019: Opening ceremony of ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) Austria Bank GmbH in Vienna, Austria

Today, I welcomed the Chair of #China’s National People’s Congress #LI Zhanshu in Vienna for the first time. We discussed the excellent bilateral relations between our two countries and the prospect of further cooperation.

#China is Austria‘s most important trading partner in #Asia. We are happy to keep up the good work.

The Chinese Gambit is to sell to a world it's inferior, spy laden computer chips, promoting the high speed 5G which is a tissue killer in living things, and Austria is linking to this, for the urban robotics such a network will provide for the population.
The reality is Europe is concentrated enough for robotic deliveries in this field, but with American weather and distance, Amazon will have a package in Kansas end up in Chicago in the winds which prevail. Drones will not survive American distance or weather.

For Europe though, the China cart will suffice to allow Europe that 10 year window to free itself from the American domination, and create their own technology super structure.

The problem in all of this is though is that Donald Trump is moving from American weakness, to even weaker degrading populations. While China is dying, America is facing a population reduction of the productive peoples as is Japan and South Korea, and consumer vermin are not adequate to allow these peoples to compete at their Saxon Sino perimeters.
In this case, the Saxon of Europe is elevating in correctly under Sebastian Kurz a 22nd century dominance.

 My drones welcome you all (except America) with open arms!

May 26, 2019: President Xi Invites World To Join China In Building New Internet
Chinese tech and Internet giants dominated the big data expo, which drew some 26,000 representatives from nearly 55 countries to marvel at China's emerging leadership in the big data industry. Huawei, Tencent, Alibaba and other Chinese firms were heavily represented.
China also used the opportunity to denounce Washington's blacklisting of Huawei.
The Huawei ban is a "rough" disruption to the market, Wang Zhijun, vice head of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said in an interview on state broadcaster China Central Television. He urged the U.S. government to stop "unreasonable suppression" of China’s integrated circuit and electronic companies.
While Trump and Abe were on their golf outing, Global Times Editor-in-Chief Hu Xijin trolled Abe on Twitter.
Bottom line: As Washington steps up its aggressive trade rhetoric, Beijing is stepping up its efforts to recruit more geopolitical allies to free itself of its reliance on American tech - while reminding the world that it can create serious disruptions in the global supply chain with very little effort.

America will cease to exist due to Donald Trump's stewardship of importing a consumer Jesuit and Muslim breeder group, where America will reach 500 million non productive tape worms by 2050. The only population group which will remain viable are the Caucasian of Europe, which Kurz is protecting from African invasion.
The irony of this is, China will die out. America will be eaten from within by vermin imported, while Europe has set the stage to become self reliant, productive and exporting, in exploiting Africans.

If the Lord does not return, by the year 2099, America will become a ghetto. China a graveyard, and Europe will have restored it's position which it lost with the advent of the Americans, South and North.

Nuff Said

 The America-Free Future
