Thursday, May 30, 2019

Germany has their own Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Perhaps we should begin with, Annegret "meant to say"....

Vielleicht sollten wir damit beginnen, Annegret "wollte sagen" ....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It seems that Germany did not need Jews, as Austria did to perform a coup on the sitting Prime Minister, due to the fact that Germany has their own Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in AKK, yes Germany's own ACC is Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer.

Maybe Germans should have not trusted Angela Merkel in her choice of Lesbian in Waiting, when Annegret's name of Krampf translates has having seizures and her Karrenbauer translates as CART FARMER. I just would not think there is a big voting block in Germany of people with convulsions and cart farmers to inspire them to greater heights.

The thing is, the quip in Germany is now, is that Germans have 3 regrets in life, Jews, Hitler and Annegret.

Deutsche haben 3 Reue im Leben, Juden, Hitler und Annegret.

There are not many people, save Hillary Clinton who can destroy and entire political party, but AKK did just that, as she decided to pick a fight on Youtube with a little gay boy, who was posting about not voting for any of these fraud centrist parties as they did not care about how odd weather creates queer little boys.

Annegret jumped right on that like the SS, and posted that Germany must follow the tradition of Nazi burning books and burn down the internet of free opinions, and then round up those undesireables and ship them all off to Polish work camps, where in strength through joy, they would all find their place in the perfect order.

Unfortuneately Annegret did not comprehend that Hitler got around 30% of the vote with that line even as dictator, and Annegret's party of loving Islamic Rape Cock, did not do so well in the national or local elections.
In other words, Annegret spiked her party down to defeat two days before the election and carried most of the candidates with her.

In honor of that notable achievement, the Lame Cherry notes the mind of Annegret Lunatic Cart Farmer in the things she says, just like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and just like Hillary Clinton destroys all democrats every time she appears.

Elephant have two penis, one on each end,
this is how they deal with climate change.

 Elefant hat zwei Penis, einen an jedem Ende,
So gehen sie mit dem Klimawandel um.

Finally an elephant shemale larger than me. 

 Endlich ein Elefantentranse größer als ich.

I am laying eggs today and my left ovary is heavy. 

Ich lege heute Eier und mein linker Eierstock ist schwer.


Have you ever tried to clean up after an elephant?

 Haben Sie jemals versucht, nach einem Elefanten aufzuräumen?

 Angela you feel like a big tusker!

Angela, du fühlst dich wie ein großer Hauer!

I do not need Muslim cock as I have my own elephant bone!

Ich brauche keinen muslimischen Schwanz, da ich meinen eigenen Knochen habe!


Some women need Muslim rape cock as no cock will have us! 

Einige Frauen brauchen muslimischen Vergewaltigungshahn, da uns kein Hahn haben wird! 

Kramp-Karrenbauer’s victory last December in a tight race to succeed Merkel as leader of the CDU put the 56-year-old in pole position to become Germany’s next chancellor. 

 What is the legacy of Angela Merkel? The Frau Cow is the Anti Kurz, as Europe moves to the mid 21st century, they have soundly rejected Merkel's "Hitler Revisit" of imported  forced labor to generate revenue for the Merkel State. Invasion is not what Europeans desire, no more than being endangered by Islamic rape cock. Germany is in a massive debt situation, she has had her Lutheranism removed and is attacking her own people. That is what AKK is seeking to promote, and this is why Germans soundly rejected the centrist parties of German Genocide. The youth of German have looked upon Angela Merkel and her AKK and have judged there is not any future in this pair of vulvas whose entire policies seem to be driven by ugly women having a chance at sex with foreign perverts to satisfy their needs.

Germany would have been much better off to hand out free dildos, manufactured them, as that would have produced a profit in Germany and dealt with ugly women.


 I wear this print to hunt elephant Bwana boy.

Ich trage diesen Druck, um Elefanten Bwana Jungen zu jagen.

Nuff Said
