Friday, May 10, 2019

The Coup Against Donald Trump Has Just Begun

Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, on Thursday pronounced the United States to be in a “constitutional crisis,” saying that President Trump has crossed a line with his war on congressional oversight. “Every day they are advertising their obstruction of justice by ignoring subpoenas and by just declaring that people shouldn’t come speak to Congress,”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For those of you who think that you can breath a sigh of relief in Attorney General William Barr arising to protect the Presdency, as Donald Trump moves post haste at Barr's request for executive exemption from Congressional attacks, you are missing the point that the coup against Donald Trump has just begun.

Let me be clear about this, as Rush Limbaugh spouts off about Donald Trump retaliating, that even though I am dismissed by Kushner media and the Q echo chamber, I support Donald Trump, even if I am not going to vote for him in 2020, unless he fulfills his promises. I support Donald Trump, because by the reports, I can see the chessboard arrayed against him, which no one either can or Mockingbird is covering up. The coup against Donald Trump is not even begun,  and the gloves are about to come off.

The coup plotters behind this, are going after Trump blood in they are going to bring down his children first to get at him. To be more specific, they are going to use this as a diversion for the grande game.

It  is not any coincidence that the criminal John Kelly who framed the innocent Roy Moore in Alabama with false sex allegations has now through Jewish media, engaged in blood libel against Jared Kushner and Ivanka Kusher.

Fmr WH Chief of Staff John Kelly: Trump’s Family ‘Influence’ Has to Be ‘Dealt With’


Wednesday during an interview with Bloomberg TV’s “The David Rubenstein Show,” former White House chief of staff John Kelly said members of President Donald Trump’s family serving on the White House staff were “an influence that has to be dealt with.”
When asked if it is complicated to have the president’s family working at the White House, Kelly said, “They’re an influence that has to be dealt with.”

It is not any excuse that Donald jr. is now being framed by Rhino GOP of the John the hero McCain faction by the Carolina Mafia.
Trump jr. had  been  cooperating, but after the exoneration of the Mueller Report, putting this frame to rest for political reasons of 2020 was the driving force. The GOP insiders, along with those at "Justice" in former swamp rats signing a letter, led by William Weld who is the communist challenging Donald Trump for the GOP nomination, is in this ruse like Senator Burr of North Carolina, intent on criminalizing father and son by assertion, which will bring a Pelosi indictment and criminal referral, with impeachment September 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.

Donald Trump Jr. subpoenaed by Senate panel for further testimony on campaign’s Russia contacts

The reason I support Donald Trump is the bigger picture. No one wants Jared Kushner's peace plan in the Mideast, as there is not any profit in peace. What Trump is pushing is designed to blow up in his face. It is why Netanyahu is buying time with Jewish lives from Gaza  rockets. It is why the Philistines are using missile homicide in they know until after Ramadan to murder Jews.

The leaking of the Trump Peace Plan, is designed to rile up the Muslims and kill this plan for the Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Pater Pope peace. This plan was leaked by Mosaad and is the same group which moved in coup against Prime Minister Netanyahu.

I am for the Peace Plan, as it somewhat resembles the Lame Cherry Peace Plan of a decade ago. I am for Donald Trump and I am for Benjamin Netanyahu, again though the devil is in the details, as  I am for these leaders, because of what this blog exclusively warned of, is there are indications that forces are  at work to touch off a nuclear event in order to save the Obama  criminals, and install an Old Europe World Order.

Donald Trump with his China trade wars shell game is crippling the US economy. He has been painted into a corner economically, and this time Iran is the conduit for the world oil elite. They want 100 dollar a barrel oil again, and this will destroy the US economy and first it will destroy Donald Trump.
Mr. Trump signed off on selling US energy to Europe and China, which shorted the US markets which has driven US gas to 2.80 a gallon, which kills MAGA forever.

As Mr. Trump moves in this sphere, Iran is moving in a first critical attack upon the United States, in oil prices are rising, which weakens Donald Trump, so he has to respond by sending a US carrier group to the Straight of Hormuz.
Iran has had no costs, but the US  is bleeding more money and Iran is making gold bars out of Venezuela, another Donald Trump immense failure in the coup there.


USS Abe Lincoln
US National Security Advisor JohnBolton said in a statement the deployment of the bomber force and USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group would send an “unmistakable message” to Iran

Bomber is B 52's

Two of the bombers are expected to leave Tuesday from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, arriving at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar on Wednesday, CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reports.

B 52's Stratofortresses as nuclear active and practice as such.

United States Aircraft Carrier battle groups contain a Carrier, two guided missile cruisers, 2 destroyers, 1 frigate and 2 submarines. It is the coy of the US Navy, in the Carriers do not carry nuclear weapons, but the submarines which shadow the fleet are always nuclear armed.

The United States has deployed active nuclear weapons systems in confronting nuclear Iran.

Task Force USS Abraham Lincoln

Donald Trump is playing a Chinese shell game. The Chinese are not about to give up hegemony as they dream of the Eurasian Silk Road. China is buying time at US expense, and now with oil collapsing the already collapsing US economy, this puts Donald Trump's re election in 2020 in jeopardy.

West Texas Intermediate crude for June delivery rose 17 cents, or 0.3 percent, to $62.42 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange at 12:42 p.m. in Singapore. The contract has lost around 6 percent since reaching the highest level in almost six months on April 23.
Brent for July settlement added 3 cents to $71.27 a barrel on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange after falling as much as 31 cents, or 0.4 percent, earlier. The contract settled 0.6 percent higher at $71.24 on Monday. The global benchmark crude was at a premium of $8.73 to WTI for the same month.

The Lame Cherry addresses the dark horse in this, as you may remember Sec. of State John Kerry not revealing all what was in the Obama bribe to Iran of a fortune, well no one is paying attention to a revelation this past week, that Obama Kerry were allowing Iran to refine what is weapon's grade uranium and heavy water for the Russian Republic.
For those who missed this, George HW Bush and Hillary Clinton worked a deal where Russian nuclear material was being shipped to US energy concerns for nuclear power, without any rate reductions for American consumers, as they were getting this nuclear fuel from warheads for pennies to the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
This was the basis of Uranium One and why LaVoy Finnicum was assassinated by the FBI at the Malheur Refuge. Russia was accepting Iranian nuclear fuel and heavy water as an export. As Russia does not need that fuel, that projects out that the same syndicate creating a new nuclear pipeline.
Into this remember General Michael Flynn and Bush era officials were promoting 40 nuclear  power plants in the Mideast. That uranium had to come from some source. what appears in this was nuclear Iran was being allowed through Russian export to feed nuclear material to the world.
Thee entire planet was becoming one big nuclear bomb.

In a televised address on the first anniversary of President Donald Trump withdrawing the United States from the nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Rouhani said Iran will resume stockpiling uranium and heavy water instead of selling them to other countries as the agreement requires.
Recent U.S. sanctions made it more difficult for Iran to export enriched uranium to Russia, so it would have been necessary to reduce production to respect the limits on Iran’s inventory. The sanctions did not entirely prevent other countries from working with Iran’s civilian nuclear program, but they were designed to pressure Iran into reducing the amount of uranium it enriches.
Rouhani further threatened to resume enriching uranium beyond the level necessary for civilian nuclear power and resume construction on the Arak nuclear facility, shut down as part of the nuclear deal.

And in this, Iran is now ratcheting up the scales again, because the same sources which went after Donald Trump in 2016 are moving to a new international game. Perhaps as this moves forward, you can comprehend why this poor orphan girl was warming of Obama 9 11 2.0 just this past week. There are revelations yet to come this week in the high crimes of Birther Hussein Obama in what was really taking place concerning June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, but project this out as a criminal investigator would as you can comprehend  that the coup against Donald Trump has entered a more lethal phase, remembering what these coup plotters have engaged in from Benghazi to the Malheur, to the gang rape of Lara Logan to shut her up, to the slaughter of Colonel  Khadaffi to silence him.

Can  you not see the headlines of a Pearl Harbor style event which the US is being sucked into, for Donald Trump in 2020.

Trump Forced to Focus on Nuclear Terror and not Obama Crimes.

Trump Could  Not Keep America Safe from Nuclear Terror Charge 2020 Democrats

Can you not see in the future now, as the evidence is laid out before you, as other headlines are not as clear as Europe in Chancellor Kurz moves in to fill  the American void which was conveniently created?

It is why I support Donald Trump, as I honestly can see how bad this turns out for the United States, and this coup is going to rip the guts out of the United States, as every indication is, no matter how horrendous you thought the last 3 years were, there were child's play compared to what is manifesting by the headlines.

Nuff  Said
