Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Hunt for Eagle One

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We pick up cheap dvd's in the thrift store from time to time, as all the children now watch Netflix, but that is not my way, so we pick up junk discs which few people want, and one was a Rutger Hauer movie called The Hunt for Eagle One.

Think of it as Blackhawk Down, without anything of vital Muslim interest happening in the Philippines, instead of Africa.

The problem is that Rutger Hauer is just eye candy, as I think he just took the film for a vacation in the Philippines and a paycheck, as he just sort of stands there, and the reporters all look like the producer's children in being so young.

I got a Philippine vacation and paycheck sucker.

The other problem is the actors all suck, especially the blackish Obama actress, Theresa Randle, who has zero ability at acting or being attractive. You get to hoping the terrorists torture her more and kill her, as the Filipino's do quite well in their roles.

Flaring my nostrils is acting.

So why do a review of this film, as RH just phone it in? Because outside of Tour of Duty, the action combat sequences are some of the best in film.

Brian Clyde who directed this does wonderful combat sequences. Yes there are some loopy holes  in what he does with howitzers at the end, but what is really impressive in this, is that in most American Rambo films, there is so damn much auto fire and explosions, that it gets in the way of the scenes. Clyde actually has sustained reasonable fire, which real combat Soldiers practice to not burn up ammo or their barrels,  If you listen to the battle, you hear precise shooting of single placed shots killing the enemy. Even the Muslims are not idiots spraying lead around in they are aiming directed fire.

Granted the first scene in this was stupid of the Marines landing on a beach at daylight. Granted it was stupid for Army helos to be flying that close to the ground to sustained fire which caused the downing of the crafts, but that sets up the story of the rescue. The rest of the movie though in the several firefights leading up to the Wild Bunch type ending which is Hollywood, are very good and save this movie from Theresa Randle's  horrid performance which sent this  direct to video.
Randal should have stayed with the dark wet spot dream of Bad Boys as the people who cast her got zero for their buck.

The Muslim heavies are really heavy like World War II Asian heavies. A bit overdone, but they do a great job in acting and for those who know Filipinos, the people and actors all perform exactly as Filipino's do.

So if you want to watch some good combat sequences which look real, this movie is pretty good when Mark Dacascos is on screen, but he is so in military garb that it interferes with his performance, so you have to rely on the firefights to enjoy the movie.

 I was the actor in this film along with the explosions.

As for the rest, that is what getting pop, chips, bathroom breaks and making snide comments is for. The Tagalog dialect is good, but the translation is wrong. You won't know that unless you speak Filipino, but what the terrorists are saying is not what is on screen.

Anyway, this is a movie that I decided to watch twice on the weekend as I liked the combat sequences. So enjoy at your own risk.

Nuff Said


The Hunt for Eagle One: Crash Point - Wikipedia

The Hunt for Eagle One: Crash Point is a 2006 direct-to-video war film and the sequel to The Hunt for Eagle One.Following the format of the earlier film, the story again takes place during Operation Enduring Freedom in the Philippines.