Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Saga of Coyote Cuny

 Comanche Religious Leader Coyote Cunt

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You know the one good thing about a liberal award winning writer, that when you read what they write, you know it is gospel as if the Apostles had keyboard clacked it all. Like SC Gwynne in his epic reprint of other writers in his strange history of  the half breed Quanah Parker that liberals just were thrilled over in the castigating of American Protestants and the praise of Indian terrorists, who does not appear in nine tenths of the book.

No matter about that, as we are interested in the facts, and the facts which appear in print are that two Indians led the dying Comanche to their doom, in this rather third rate aboriginal tribal association, nothing like the Sioux of the northern plains, as according to Gwynne the Indian's names were Sink Parker AKA Quanah Parker and on page 264 of the book, Gwynne goes into detail about the Comanche magician known as Isa Tai, who introduced other religions to the Comanche and being like all Indians, a bully and liar, conned  them all to believing in the genocide of Americans and the master race of the Comanche.
The Sioux performed the same idiocy in the Ghost Dance which came out of some buck from Nevada, but that is a different story as Isa Tai and Stinker are the stars in his Gwynne Drama.

See Isa Tai according to Gwynne  means everything from coyote anus or yote ass to wolf shit. He gets more graphic, as he really seems fixated on gang rapes of Caucasian women in the details. "Outrage" as  it was usually defined as rape is rape and really does not need to be explained in civilized peoples, is not enough from the 1800's memoirs of raped women by the Indian terrorists. Details are what matter to the liberal mind and in Yote Ass, Gwynne takes it a step further to explain that Yote Ass was not really this religious Comanche's name, but his real name was Wolf's Vulva or Coyote Vagina. Of course that is too Elizabethan pure for those primitive Red and  White Plains folk, but is the apparent limits of Gwynne in his fixation on gang rape and genital names, that Isa Tai's real name translated as Coyote Cuny.
You know like Clinton Eastwood talking to Morgan Freeman about a whore cut up by cowboys and they cut her teats and her cuny off. That kind of cuny.


Comanche Military Leader Shit Stink Parker

So it is a reality in Stinker Parker, the half breed, still celebrated, that liberal SC Gwynne defines  as not Fragrant Parker, but Stink Parker, and in linguistics of the Comanche this blog has shown that when the Indians spoke of stink with a human, it was with the fragrance of human shit. The kind of sour stench of a child with diarrhea, so filthy Indians who did not bathe, were covered in gut, grease and vaginal rape fluid, actually noticed how bad Quanah Parker stunk as a kid who was named Eagle. Stinks like Shit was probably not something you dared called a Chief's son, so it became little Stinker.

That is the reality of the writings of a liberal who just adores terrorists of the 1800's in the facts are the Comanche chose  two homicidal genocidists of the White race in Shit Stinker and Coyote Cuny to lead them. History reveals in hindsight that choosing to follow people named Shit and Cunt is not really going to win you any wars, no more than the Sioux in following two terrorists named Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull....the latter would be Lazy Bull. Yes in that reality the Sioux could have chosen better than to follow two sociopath terrorists named Lazy and Crazy.

 In any event, we know this is the real history and names, because a liberal, celebrated by the liberal Mockingbird Press funded out of the CIA just went wild over this book based on the written works of so many others, which I know Gwynne gets wrong, but who am I to say a liberal is wrong when Indians just adore this guy too who just loves terrorists.

So there  you have it, the end of the Comanche came at the leadership of Shit Stinker and Coyote Cunt.

I don't know if that is all the Comanche had to choose from, as maybe all the good Indians were dead, or maybe the terrorists with good names were all dead, who were winners, but in any event, the history shows choosing leaders named after the smell of intestinal functions and leaders who apparently look like bitch canine genitals, was not the way to go.


 And to think my twat could have led the Comanche

With all of those liberal writing facts and historical record, this  is another Lame Cherry again in matter anti matter exclusives.

In honor of Coyote Cunt, let us sing his traditional song.

 nʉ nahnia tsa Isa Tai
haa Isa Tai
ʉnha nʉ naki̱supanaʔinʉ̱
haa Isa Tai

Nuff  Said
