Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Knight's Cross

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been afforded the luxury of being able to sit down at night and play a few games of chess to unwind, as I sit with TL and unwind before bed. With the game I have, I can not play it usually as it takes up the entire screen and system, as I usually have to work.

I am fascinated by symmetry, geometry of structure. I like the immovable object and the irresistible force and discovering ways of fracturing them.

To me chess is not a game, but a dimension. It is three dimension in one dimension.

In nature the strongest object is the triangle. It is the Euclidean symmetry of the lightest of matter resisting the greatest of force. On the cheesboard, there are three basic structures of defense.

The strongest is the Knight's Cross as is pictured above.

After this is the Bishop's Angle.

The third in this is the Rook's Degree, which is 90 degrees as the Rook only moves forward and side to side.

Each of these structures relies completely like two legs on a man. Two legs and it is a costly force to overcome. Take away one Knight, Bishop and Rook and the entire structure collapses. In this, only the Knight is the most lethal piece on the board, as it can strike fast and obliterate all pieces in a few moves. It is by dimensional move of 1 to 2 spaces or 2 to 1 space in again the 3 number projection of force which overcomes almost anything, as it is like smart bomb in overcoming the human mind in the dimension the Knight operates. It is a greater piece being less mobile than even the Queen. In that, even the King in end game is more lethal once the board is broken down with pawn coverage of it's position in attacking an opponent.

The secret of chess, which is a beautifully intricate game like crystal, is to overload positions and smash through the crystal framework like a hammer through glass smashing the defense. While chess can be a deceptive game of offensive pieces hidden at angle behind pawns, and then moving a pawn forward to attack so that at least two attacks are present in the opponent must retreat, and thereby lose a piece has it's place in chess, but providing adequate defense, while smashing the lines forward, is what chess is. It is a game which portrays itself as finesse but operates under brute force.

In all instances, the fact that the three strengths are defeated by two tactics.

Either direct assault by equal or lesser pieces.

Indirect assault in forcing the pieces to break their own defense by moving them.

Breaking down the board, by exploiting your opponents moves, in removing pieces to constantly reduce the operational field of the board in dimension is the purpose. Chess moves from three dimension to single dimension. The piece for piece removal is the process. Gain a dimension, but retaining your dimension provides a dreadnought force.

While the objective is to retain a rook structure for the end game. I am equally comfortable with a knight with proper pawn defense a rook, but in attacking a bishop structure is more difficult to overcome. It is vice verse in the rook is more offensive oriented, but the bishop is more readily defeated by defense.


Nuff Said
