Saturday, May 4, 2019

Trump Takes the Fifth

Think of me as  the Businedent of the White House
as it is always about the deal.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Donald Trump appears not to be pumping dust in his mounting the overturn of Obamacare, which John the hero McCain betrayed all American voters with his refusal to overturn Obamacare. In the Lame Cherry, being highly displeased with this President on Conservative issues, there has emerged a definite legal strategy from the Department of Justice to have Obamcare struck from the books as UnConstitutional.

From the adult and powerful stance of Attorney General Barr in dealing with democrat anarchists and his Justice Department not being politicized and leading Director Christopher Wray of the FBI, there are for the for the first time in the United States, signs of the restoration of Law and Order in America, without the abuse of Citizens nor the protection of career criminal politicians.

I do not want to leave the impression that Donald Trump has gotten religion, as in all things Trump, he is simply returning the rapine to the original cartel, which Obama wrested it from in a most violent and murderous overthrow, Chicago is still a bleeding example. The point is though that a striking down is coming, and a replacement is already written to profit the conglomerates who have Trump in power. That is the thing I am wary over. If it is not a mandate, then I do not care when the Indians dance as it is not forced conscription or decriminalization.

The strategy in this, is the Sam Alito led United States 5th District Court of Louisiana, which is dominated by 18 Republican appointees, and the Clinton appointed Chief Justice of Carl Stewart is more Texas normal than Obama nuts.

By running this  through the 5th, the Trump DOJ means to win this, and drive it to the heart of the Chief Justice John Roberts  Supreme Court, where Roberts under gay Obama blackmail betrayed Americans, by voting for Obamacare.
That Court which has been a disappointment, will be a court without Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who will be replaced by a voting Catholic. While it still has the same frauds on it, Donald Trump now has the power and the backing behind him, that it is logical that Roberts will have to vote against his own decision to humiliate him, and the vote very will could be 6 - 3 supporting the 5th Courts striking down of Obamacare.

All of which is in time for the 2020 Presidential elections.

The Trump administration offered its first full argument Wednesday for its reversal on the Affordable Care Act, arguing in new court filings that the entire law “should not be allowed to remain in effect.”
The government argues in the filings that the so-called “individual mandate” requiring Americans to have coverage is unconstitutional and that the rest of the law should therefore also be struck down, even if the government “might support some individual provisions as a policy matter.”
The landmark legislation provides health care coverage to millions of Americans.
In the filing, Assistant Attorney General Joseph Hunt acknowledged that the administration had previously argued that parts of the law could remain in effect even if the individual mandate were struck down, but he said, the administration had come to believe it could no longer defend that position. He suggested that rewriting the statute by “picking and choosing which provisions to invalidate” would interfere with the role of Congress and the “proper course” for the courts would be to strike down the law in its entirety.
The brief was filed with the conservative-leaning 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals, which will hear arguments in July and possibly tee up a Supreme Court case next term that could finally decide the fate of the law and render a decision during the heart of the presidential election.

There are signs in this that the real President in Lindsey Graham of the Carolinas is pressing the agenda forward for the cartel of the octopus. Graham is not a 2.0, he simply has risen to replace John the hero McCain for this elite group of powers behind the scenes. Watch if John Roberts responds to Lindsey Graham's request to investigate the FISA Court. If that goes through, which it probably will, it will mean Roberts is on the leash again for this faction, and Roberts overseeing the wiping out of the coup, will mean John Roberts will oversee the end of Obamacare, in a real landmark ruling which will read something like the government can not force people to buy things, nor attempt to name it a tax to get away with it.

Lindsey Graham 2.0 Will Ask Chief Justice John Roberts to Investigate FISA Court Misconduct

This Trump taking the 5th does not negate his pouring in of Visa vermin, the price of gas and food, which is from his benefactor's looting and it does not negate his failures in negating people from having to pay income tax who earn under 50,000 dollars as he promised and the reality the US economy is still the Obama economy in Great Depression shambles and the cure is not pouring in 100 million vermin foreigners for economic consumption.

I am though honest and report things as they are. This is good and will benefit, but we will still get screwed over in the rewrite, just as we were screwed over before Obamacare. Killing rationed death though with criminal penalties  abolished is  one less burden to be answering to the IRS for. For this I support Donald Trump, but as I have not received any crumbs in all of my work for years at this, I am still not voting for him in 2020, because Americans are not liberated and someone is plotting a large event on the horizon for another distraction of the public.

There are indications though in Attorney General William Barr that the rule of law is being restored to America, which will lessen the friction between the Citizen and the Police, and  develop a trust in government again, which will help calm the United States down. Everything helps in a National Socialist Amerika.

Nuff Said
