Saturday, May 4, 2019

Yankee Black Face Dandy

I prefer Frankie Doodle Dandy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive  in matter anti matter.

In the American Genocide, books are not burned, but instead Americans in the grave are dragged around to be lynched, as is the case of American Heroes as Robert E. Lee and American entertainers in Kate Smith.

Yankees’ Kate Smith ban could lead
to the breakup of America itself

New York Post, by Steve Cuozzo    Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon- 4/27/2019 7:12:14 PM     Post Reply
The New York Yankees’ bold decision to ban Kate Smith’s 1939 recording of “God Bless America” from the stadium over two racist songs she once performed surely calls for further brave steps by the team.(Snip) But if the Bronx Bombers are serious about standing tall against racism, they must next ban the national anthem, which is sung before every game. Francis Scott Key, who wrote the lyrics to “The Star-Spangled Banner” in 1814, owned slaves—at least six of them, as a matter of historical record. Isn’t “ownership” of human beings a more grave offense than merely ridiculing black people

The other night I was watching Yankee Doodle Dandy, starring American icon, James Cagney, who does a wonderful job in portraying  that American creative Patriot, George M. Cohen, who created some wonderful songs in You're a Grande Old Flag and Over Here.

There is something though in Yankee Doogle Dandy  which is never spoken of in the Cohen family of theater and vaudeville fame, in they like most entertainers entertained audiences in Black Face. In Yankee Doodle Dandy, James Cagney and the 4 Cohen's do a number in black face......and yet you never hear this movie being banned, edited or ranted over like Kate Smith in being lynched in the grave.

I'm a Yankee Black Face Dandy
Black Face Nigger do or die....

Now why is that?

I can tell you way, because FOX is currently celebrating the noted person in this movie, who was selling his war of genocide against Germans, using Cohen's music to get Americans slaughtered, and that is none other than democrat, liberal, socialist and communist sympathizer Franklin Roosevelt, best friends with the butcher Joe Stalin of the Soviet Evil Empire makes a lengthy appearance in this democrat movie.

I can see you like wearing black face there Frank.

See you can't have the butcher  Franklin Roosevelt, the father of all liberalism in America, outed in being a major fan of a George Cohan and their Black Face.
You can't have the Jew's choice of hero to destroy the American Republic, being outed as Jews promoted racism, promoted black face, owned slaves in huge numbers, aa the communists in America behind Franklin Roosevelt.
As the entire paradigm in blaming White Christian Protestants comes undone, as it is revealed that the very moneychangers who were behind everything that White Americans are blamed for, were the ones who started it, promoted it, and murdered for it.

Black Face of the World Unite!

It is past time that Donald Trump started acting like an American, and not an asset of Tel Aviv and signed an Executive Order protecting American Christians and Patriots from this Anti American Racism with the Justice Department unleashed in full measure on those corporations and individuals who are involved in media assassination of Americans in and out of the grave, in this genocide of the Americans and their culture.

Once again the Lame Cherry again in need of the big donation for the FIRST TIME, in actually doing the job that all you people sitting on your asses, expecting your President and his Kushner media, to perform in refuting these attacks, putting an end to them and defending you and the United States.

It is time to tear down that goddamn mausoleum to racist, genocidist, leftist Franklin Delano Roosevelt polluting the American Capital in Washington City and protect Kate Smith and all the other American Caucasian Christian Heroes of these United States.

Nuff Said, you lazy, unappreciative, rich bastards!

