Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Balancing Social Security on Tan Skin Life Expectancy


 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Back in the day, people and horses did not live past age 66 and age 8, because they were worked to death. See there is only so many heartbeats in a heart, and when a oxygen feeder works, it wears out the wetware. The net result is early death.

Now for something which none of you warm hearted non donors ever contemplate as you judge the people behind the shadow screen who set up the Trump Framers as evil, is that there are realities in projection sheets being worked out.

See Latin Americans  and Muslims just do not have the resources to slaughter their vermin, so they send them to the West. It is the same like China who uses their surplus population up for American goods, instead of eating them.

OK so you get this where this is going, is this vermin becomes American voters by Trump citizenship to replace Americans, but here is the rub. The United States White Christian majority is a non breeding aging class with a huge FDR Social Security debt, and it is being funded by all of these foreigner's being imported. This keeps everything kosher in the Jew Street banks.

So America is getting rid of the White Protestants for the tan Muslim and Jesuit population. The problem is that you can import 100 to 200 million vermin to fund Social Security, but there is a limit in you can not keep importing vermin as 1 billion 30 billion in the US to fund Social Security has a break point.

So how do you deal with this?

You run into the projection the heavy labor factor. See robotics are going to replace humans as workers, so the necessity is to get rid of these low DNA Mexicans, who do have a higher than average life expectancy than Whites, because Beaners and Greasers are lazy vermin who do not work in the majority so they live longer on White People's work.

So the projection in this is that the 100 million imported Trump workers will die upon reaching age 65 as retirement is raised to age 70 to balance the system. Dead tan skins do not collect Social Security. Dead tan skins do not need medical care. If you add in nuclear terrorism and things, you crop a shit load of crapper DNA which will work in radioactive locations as you can put a critter into any environment.

From construction, to truck drivers, to roofers to military, this is where the tan skins are being placed, and they are going dead by heavy labor.
Curry Nigs run 67 years in computer tech, so all that expensive Social Security will never be used.

15 Professions With Shocking Low Life Expectancies

See you think you are all such bad butts in leaving me for dead, and your little genocide minds have not even contemplated as you work in numbers of one orphan girl, but the real stats are in the numbers of 100 million tan skins.

The English run numbers on things, but that is the English and is not about tan skins.

I think that educates you about enough in this as I have low expectations in working for free for educating your little homicidal minds.

Yes the above was all discussed, was all quite professional, had all the spreadsheets and excel things and it was all agreed upon quite antiseptically for the good of the Sean homo Hannity 3% who pay all the taxes and have pretty things for their children.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
