Tuesday, June 4, 2019

God blesses the Good

Jeff shared this note, and I do feel bad about good people apologizing, as I understand about the economy as I am in it like all of you. I am supposed to be working, but decided to touch base again, as things have been good and bad here.

Hi LC,

The subject line perfectly describes the way that I feel regarding my lack of contact and donations to you and TL.  I am not making any excuses and just wanted to say sorry for taking so long to say hello and to make a small donation.  I continue to read your blog every day and can’t thank you enough for your diligence and that fact that you risk so much in order to educate your loyal readers.  I know that I would be too pussyfied to do what you do every day and have no problem saying so.  I hope that you, TL, and all of your animals are doing well and I pray that the good Lord protects you and I also hope that some day I will have the means to give you the big donation that you so richly deserve.  Please accept my apology and know that you have a friend out in Lost Wages.



The bad part is one of my hens finally hatched out after a cold wet spring, and a turkey hen was putting the hurt on them, as she had five chics. We saved them, penned them and then for satan reasons, the cats ate 4 of them.
We got two out of eggs that we pealed out. They died this morning.

I am short of grass on the pasture as it is cold and things are not growing. The garden we did get in, but that looks like dirt. My neighbor was very good to come over with his tractor and loader, and dug it up, a new sod patch, of which I got to finish it off with a spade and potato fork, in too much work.

We have sort of graduated to helping look after the Uncle's place and him, when he returns in a few weeks. I am mowing and volunteered to do good deeds. I figure God will reward good deeds and I presume his family will get tired of trying to maintain that place from 1000 miles, so I hope to be the one they gratefully sell it to.

TL and I cleaned up his rhubarb and raspberry patch. I figure it will be ours someday, so continue on with the good work.

The mortuary 'gave' us a maple tree to plant for the mother. It would go into the city cemetery or here, so we chose here. It is like a 70 dollar shade tree. They offered a red one, which I saw was 80 bucks, but we liked the green as it turns golden in the fall. We watered the hell out of it for two weeks, and it started sprouting, and planted it yesterday. It is looking good. The two dead baby chicks are under it.

We have a few baby calves, alive, so praise God for that. The one by God's Grace held off in the cold monsoons we had, as her calf died last year, but she is such a sweetheart of a little cow. She calls to her calf and it comes running.

I think we have about put the cure on predators around here. Been busy live trapping and then administering the lead cure. It will keep the wildlife alive, and it will keep our livestock alive, as the pressure will be off the prey species.
I was talking to my cousin who is out in Montana, and he said every cow that comes in from wolf country is nuts, will climb the walls and take people out of the pens. This country is neurotic in people and animals by design, and would be calm if we stopped having predators gnawing on us.

Things are better here. I still about every other day am thanking God that the mother is dead. I used to enjoy old people, as a kid I was shy and found comfort with them, but after the mother, I just see them as problems, and here am I, not taking the advice given me last year to not get sucked into more geezer care, and here I am looking after the  Uncle on his return. Not like we are going to be sleeping over there, but will check on him and do errands if necessary. I just figure that it would be better for him to burn his last fuel here, than to bleed out slowly in old folks care. He would be happier and he is bothered by being a burden and knowing what is coming.
It is just I would hope someone would do the right thing by me one day, even if I am still waiting on the rich to pony up here with what they can afford.

We did spend some money on two peonies for the cemetery. Lord God, the mother's grave was sunk in like 9 inches deep and we had to haul 4 full wheel barrels for fill. There was a spot between the stones on the Grandparents and beloved Uncle, and my sister and parents stones, and as that was weed whacked, I just dug it out, lined it and put in flowers.
I hate plastic shit, and this will look nice. It also was noticed by the relatives who started asking about my asshole sisters not doing anything.  Always the problem with those two, in they do not have the sense to do things one more time when people are paying attention. Now their being asses in neglecting the mother in death, proves what I said they abandoned her in life. Nothing like having other people telling other relatives what assholes for siblings I have.
As beloved Uncle would say, "It was good PR (public relations)." It all helps in obtaining our place and God is good in those two should have not tried to pull shit on me after the mother died. With me just doing the right thing, they have buried themselves.
I move people around like some people play chess, but then again I play chess too.

Tomorrow we have errands and my life is the small bridges in I am looking forward to sharing an apple on the way home with TL.

I think it would be advisable again to have a few bags of flour, some canned goods, sugar and whatever pulls your cork, as I would warn any who donated if the matrix was  pointing to a problem where they reside.

Jeff like others who have stuck with us, do not need to focus on big donations, as they are blessed. God knows who is going to answer for their sins and those who have fulfilled the Law of Christ in caring for others in Faith in Christ.

Life goes on. I got bit by a big mother  of a brown fuzzy mosquito which we have. Got as big as a 50 cent piece, itched and I have no idea what kind of poison was in that thing. Three days later it is gone, but we were about eaten alive by skeeters at the grave. As bad as these brown fuzzies are, I hate those little damned tigers we get later in the year. They annoy the hell out of you and keep whining around biting you.

As this is not a lesson in jungleness, that is about enough of the insects. It was hot here today, but cooled off with some rain. Finally have the windows open to air things out and not feel like I am locked into a snow bank yet.

I guess this is about the time I close this out and try to move onto work again.

God bless and keep the Good in Jesus Name Amen and Amen
