Monday, June 3, 2019

Washington Times Confirms Lame Cherry on Trump Invasion

Trump America: IQ's 85.  Protestants 0. Genetics sub zero.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When this blog posted on Donald Trump exceeding Birther Hussein in making Americans out of foreign vermin in record numbers, the donations fell off here, as all of you wanted something to believe in, rather than the Truth.

Now two years into this, the Washington Times is confirming all this blog posted in this Trump betrayal of MAGA. The Times though is attempting to spin this as Congressional democrats are the problem in saying Donald Trump is throwing out these hordes.

Oh yes we win by losing again.

The new report also suggests that far from a crackdown, the government is processing more asylum-seeker petitions than any of the last four years. That included a 61 percent increase from 2017 to 2018 in affirmative asylum applications — though refugee interviews are down from more than 1250,000 in 2016, the last year under President Barack Obama, to just 26,400 in fiscal year 2018 under President Trump.
Still, when the whole panoply of humanitarian programs is considered — asylum, refugees, crime victim visas, Temporary Protected Status and screening for credible fear or reasonable fear of persecution — the numbers were 32 percent higher than fiscal year 2017. Credible fear and reasonable fear are first steps on the asylum track.

Donald Trump has increased Visa vermin. Donald Trump has increased the number of entries. Donald Trump's actions for Amnesty sent a signal that all the illegals would be legalized too.

Those are the facts.

But rest assured as Melania Trump mailed me a letter a few days ago, the President is standing firm for me and all Republicans, and all I have to do is send them money to make all these dreams come true.

For the record, the RNC is using Melania Trump as cover, because Republicans have abandoned Donald Trump. That is what the polling reality is or they would not have Melania's name on things.

Rest assured that the Times covering this reality, only means that they no longer need us any more, but then when Trump Trans got rid of all of the loyalists and Christians, they had that planned out too. Do not fear though, as the forces behind this will steal this for Donald Trump in 2020, and all of the rest of this is just one more diversion, until the bombs start falling.

Lame Cherry right again, except for one thing, in trusting that there were actually some rich people in America or this world who would make the big donations.  Rich people shatter the law of averages and play into the cartel's hand which has doomed this generation as the last American.
Odd in the rich will not give me what I have earned, but will hang onto it, where it will be taken from their inheritors in a few short years.

What you think them tan skins are not going to be Congress and passing laws to confiscate all you have and not ship your offspring's asses back to Europe to die.

Nuff Said
