Monday, June 3, 2019

The Storm of Donald Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We are in a world of flux with President Donald Trump and the chaos revolves around the storm of him. I should have factored this in when the Holy Ghost said a Jehu was coming, and in the Bible, Jehu is introduced as the charioteer who drove furiously, in everyone could see it from a distance and knew it was him.
A little Donald Trump out of the White House, becomes the perfect storm  of Donald Trump in the White House.

The order of the world is changing. Theresa May of MI6 was part of the destabilization of the United States in the Pissgate Dossier which the British created with Jews and Italians, all back fed to John Brennan of CIA and James Comey of the FBI. Theresa May is now forced out.

Who  is arising are two Sebastian Kurz allies in Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson. The Queen would not allow these two to form a Brexit government, and the same Queen who would not meet with Donald Trump, is a woman on a throne now having her anti Trump stance, bowing to Donald Trump.

The governments of England, Tel Aviv and Austria will have September elections to set a new order from 2019 on. After the rebuffing of Steve Bannon in Europe, for Sebastian Kurz's allies in the European Parliament, the same coup against Sebastian Kurz is become the triggering device for another volcanic rise of the Chancellor.
His replacement in  a 70 year old woman by the Austrian President is designed for Austria to remove the Austrian right from power, and leave a Kurz majority to form a government as the centrists are being forced out.

Added to this now is Angela Merkel of Germany.  Germany is formed by the CDU, the Christian Democratic Union formerly headed by Merkel, but her replacement in Annegret Kramp Karrenbauer, has been a blundering disaster and her position is in jeopardy.
The CDU  is allied with the SDU, the Social Democrats, and their leader in  Andrea Nahles was forced to resign after Merkel appeared at Harvard, taking swipes at Donald Trump again. This is triggering a progression to force Merkel to snap elections, as the SDU pulls the plug on the government.
The Germans are literally bringing down their government.

Earlier, German Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz, a Social Democrat, told Germany's Tagesspiegel that he had ruled out entering another grand coalition as the SPD seeks to regroup.
"I am very sure that it would not be justifiable for us to have a fifth grand coalition," Scholz told the German paper in an interview published on Sunday before Nahles announced she would resign.
"Three grand coalitions in a row would not do democracy in Germany any good," he was quoted as saying.
The ruling coalition is due for a midterm review in the autumn, which could be an opportunity for the SPD to pull the plug on the alliance.

All through Europe, the centrists of left and right were rejected. Germany is reflection of  that political will.  What is emerging are Greens in Europe, for a loggerhead with the Christians  and Conservatives. What was deemed  as National Socialists by Steve Bannon, to rule Europe, has emerged  instead as Kurz National Socialists in the same type of ilk, which is the disaster of the United States and Canada, in liberals being called Conservatives.
Sebastian Kurz is a socialist, not a nationalist. He though is a product of the Habsburgs of the Austrian Hungarian Empire, who are behind this contention of Donald Trump's Balkanized Europe to be dominated by the United States and a centralized authority of a federal system in Europe of individual states retaining power, but handing that power over to a central figure.

The world is in flux, and in this chaos, what arises will rule the world from this point on. The vain attempt to depose the Habsburgs and Sebastian Kurz has failed, just as Steve Bannon attempting a Vatican coup in Jesuits against the Pater Pope failed in the European Parliamentary elections.
Donald Trump's administration has been moving to fracture Europe to keep control. The problem is that Europe will in this fracturing weld quickly into a central state, which prefer a world without the United States domination and bullying.

Forces are moving to establish new leadership in England, France, Germany, Austria, Greece and Tel Aviv, while Belgium divides itself

The "grand coalition" is due to rule until 2021 but Nahles' resignation could trigger the SPD's early exit, forcing Merkel to call snap elections, to lead a minority government, or to seek an alliance with the Greens and liberal Free Democrats.

Merkel  faced this same problem two years ago, and it forced her to abdicate leadership. What follows in this will have Merkel removed, not  in 2021, but earlier.

This is the unstable reality of what Germany has become. Germany has not been this much in flux, since the rise of Adolf Hitler.  Everyone is fighting over Europe again, and tearing at her, and in most instances, what the world receives after this is not what the world benefits from, as relieving itself from Mad Cow stagnation is birthing something the world has not witnessed since the collapse of the Roman Empire.

Instead, many have turned to the environmentalist Greens, the far-right anti-migrant Alternative for Germany, the socialist Left party or Merkel’s increasingly centrist Union bloc in recent years.

A weakened United States being replaced by a resurgent Europe  is a world where China and Russia, will have another adversary to contend with in a united Europe. There is a clock running in this, as China will no longer be viable as a nation in twenty years, and Russia in 50 years will be a population voided of the ability to contend with the world. Nations will have to move as time will be short. Donald Trump's cartel solution is National Socialism in a Nazi Conglomerate state, feeding off of Jesuit and Muslim vermin, replacing the Christian Protestant productive class. Donald Trump is robbing Peter to pay Paul, and as he weakens domestically, his international, policy is one of perpetual war, as promised by his Vice President Mike Pence.

There is a massive miscalculation in this by the Pentagon and Conglomeratists, as perpetual wars, mean a war structure of controlled upheaval in the Bush Obama Wars. This is miscalculation in  the United States has run out of small states to bomb for Nazi Conglomerate exploitation, and that leaves nations with nuclear arsenals, which will not breed perpetual wars, but short wars of nuclear flash points of massive casualties, and what will be perpetual is the degradation of nations, including the United States to horse and buggy production.

It all comes down to the Lame Cherry reality.

In the end, the Europeans will always choose a European, as an American is a foreigner and not a European.

- Lame Cherry

Nuff Said.
