Thursday, September 12, 2019

2020 Foresight

Watch MADA, Make America Disappear Again

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Donald Trump in 2016 was good political theater. Donald Trump in 2020 is bad political illusion.

This President's one saving grace is that his cartel benefactors have placed before him a worse magic act, in the democratic assemblage of the cadaver lecture series of dead political candidates with the stench of anal necrophilia.

Yes this President keeps showing the audience over and over again the empty hat. There is not any Harry Houdini escapes, just too familiar large breasts, fondled far too many times, trails of handerkerchiefs and dove feathers from pockets as the Mephistopheles of Donald Trump, tempting all with nihilism and materialism of a soulless society, to the jeers of those incarnate on the left he represents who are in orgy with the death of the democratic party.

DOA Democrats

This is the summation of the 2020 elections.

If you hope for lengthy political soliquy, then pay for it, as the albatross of your fictional Good Samaritan is a whitened sepulchral, as you are adorned with the Trump confetti of your stock portfolios.

Trump the Grate


Nuff Said
