Thursday, September 12, 2019

The President Shuts Down Lame Cherry

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Yes here am I, a poor working girl and here the most powerful pussygrabber on the planet shuts me down, cold turkey, no First Amendment, no cash in my dark screen world of a burned out computer, and the President of the United States denies me my rights.

Here is the proof.

Dear Cafeacute; Press User,
Images Blocked:

Thank you for using CafePress. Your recently uploaded content contains the protected slogan from Donald Trump's official campaign, "Make America Great Again."

 Here am I, just trying to pay the bills or get a rich person Donald Trump made richer in money dumps on Wall Street from the US Treasury to donate 10% of all that rapine, and the President denies me my widow's mite, my pauper's penny, my crumb off the table.

You would think that making John Bolton unemployed in increasing the unemployment of America would be enough, but no I am dark screen facing starvation rations, and to think it was me, the popular girl, that poor orphan who wrote the time line, and was used like a prostitute by the Trumpsiders, discarded to the back ally, and after doing all of that, here am I denied my Constitutional Rights by this President.

I mean is not making Donald Trump president enough? I mean I saved his empire as without the White House he would be in prison now. But no, Melania bans fur from the White House, and here am I a poor trapper in prices are depressed as Melania won't wear green self renewal furs. No she wears petro chemical products polluting the environment, and here I sit all dark screen burned out computer tubes, awaiting some rich person to donate a five or six figure amount to this blog as by God's Grace I wrote the time line to make them all richer, and I put Donald Trump into the White House.

Then I get to looking at the notice of banning my First Amendment Rights, and here it is the Trump Organ that owns MAGA, but they got a Russian in charge of it. I mean did Robert Mueller investigate that? That is kind of fishy to me

Rights Holder Name: The Trump Organization

Rights Holder Contact Information:
Sergey Lysenko,
Trademark Paralegal
725 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY | 10022
p. 212.836.3214| f. 212.980-3821 |


So what like, Donald fires that Jewish attorney and puts him into prison, and now has a Russian in charge of all his legal stuff?
Apparently them Lysenko's are really powerful in Russia, they play soccer and started an entire green movement against Monsanto before Monsanto even was Monsanto.

I just know my artistic freedom, my adoration of Donald Trump, political satire and my First Amendment Rights have been smashed, trashed, obliterated by Donald Trump. One day he increases America's unemployment in John Bolton and the next he has me in the starvation line, as I am washing dirty undies in trying to make ends me, in this dark screen burned out computer, probably due to the NSA always frying things on the laptop, and me sitting here waiting for rich people to donate, as the poor just have nothing in this America, like money, no First Amendment, no political satire speech, in it being dark screen.

All I wanted to do was be creative and  the President shut it all down.

Why Mr. President, after all of this, do you no longer want to be adored.

So with MAGA gone, this is what is left, INTERGNATS for Donald Trump.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
