As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Viking mentioned to say HI to the Poot, which I have done, and Poot is currently achieving rubbing her but on the back of my head, playing the floor with a piece of chipped tile, and making her poot sounds in being happy.
The morning began with 2 dead cats outside, one bobtail and one was Poot's mum. I have no idea what happened, but they were going down hill, but the buffy cat eating the hindquarters off of Poot's mum was a bit much. I guess in the real world she is not suffering and I buried her like Bob, so a better world awaits.
Apparently Uncle is supposed to be leaving next weekend or the weekend after, depending on snowstorms. Apparently TL and I are very skilled at raising the almost from the dead, as his kids were giving him a week when he got here and day by day, and as we were over there checking this morning, he had the door locked, I waved at him, and up he got, opened the door, got us in as we had to put his Norelco shaver back together as he had cleaned it.
We got to talking about cordless things and he went in and dug out a Successful Farmer, and was showing me the chainsaw he was going go buy. Husquavarna cordless with a battery.
Considering he just gave his way last chainsaw to this youngest son, and he is supposed to be dying, he sure is not acting like the guy he had me sign the witness papers for, for putting him into the geezer home.
I think he plays things and people pretty good as he mentioned that to us once about his kids not knowing things. I think he got me to run interference for him all summer, got his daughter to agree to him staying with her this winter, and he is coming back next year for us to do the custodian thing again.
He does have us trained, but they better pay up for all the work we have done in making him Lazarus part two.
In that the Viking is appreciated, but he has to be around to take care of his Mum, who likes being Mum and mum, not the flower but keeping things to herself like Uncle. He should know that writing letters to Vlad gets people's attention, who want Vlad's money and that brings all sorts of interesting visits. Just better to enjoy the garage, and be the son.
The other day, TL and I saw this geezer in the pharm parking lot with his granddaughter. I had helped him in the grocery parking lot close his hatchback door in the wind. I think his scooter cost more than my pickup, but as we got out of the vehicle, I looked over and there the grandkid stood as Gramps got the seat off the scooter and almost took a header. Old dude almost broke his neck, and the kid was too timid to cuff the old man around a bit, but was supposed to be watching him.
Uncle is short with people, but I ignore it most of the time. Like he was with the razor in telling me had to look it over after we got it back together. I scared the shit out of him the other day when I was a on the war path about that place though. So I can bluff his ass too in he knows not to jerk my cord too far.
Poot is currently on the recliner arm by TL grooming. The cat has taken to sleeping on top of the bed by us again, as we have the fan off, and are just running the air purifier. I got a blue hospital pet blanket which reeks of bleach to cover things in case of accidents, so all is working out, including getting clawed when we want to be fed which is usually at 5 AM.
The effects of the mother have about worn off in the Puntz is playing, not sick and not drawing blood too often.
We actually have a puppy maybe in the works. Lots of works on things for that, but it is a bridge to next year to convince myself that something is out there to look forward to. I still can't believe Uncle is looking at a chainsaw. He can't use the thing, his oldest son in Big Hossright, won't cut the trees down, so I think that means I am the probable candidate for the adventure, which I hope his youngest son instead gets tapped for it.
I just know when we invested two days getting his pick up fixed, the shop had battery powered impact wrenches. I was looking in Harbor Freight and they do have them, so that is a puppy love adventure too for the future, as that would make life so much easier in doing things around here.
I see it is past lunch time, and I have to do that, and I have decided to clean up some fried chicken or fry chicken, make fried potatoes and we have either garden tomatoes or cauliflower....have to write about that, as I think I have the secret to cauliflower in growing them, but it is ass backwards and it is not as much work as a pile of shit making the soil hot in March to move things along as the English do.
Got to burn trash and bury that other kitten. If only the world were that simple.
That was my cue to go get a move on, as even with crapper weather I would like to go for a walk of some kind, and then it is over to Uncles, put cattle away here, check things, make supper and move into the night, as the Poot is now sleeping on TL looking like such a nice kitty who just loves to be petted, cuddled and held. Maybe God could get away with that stuff, but no human can in this life.
Nuff Said