As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Impeachment Operation which President Donald Trump is running against himself is a unique event in historical public manipulation where this President pretending to drain the swamp is the guy expanding it from sea to shining sea. The reality is that it is over for America. The 1864 decision of the choosing of Lincoln's federal land to McClellan's divided land, was a genuine course, but with Donald Trump and the thousand democrats running for office at 1600 Penn Avenue, the reality has been set, in Emancipation has been replaced with legalized invasion, and slavery has been re installed for the brown invaders, as the Southerner of that era is now the much hated White Protestant to be exterminated.
No greater schism in all of this is the F Word in Fox News, yes FOX is the four letter word which can not make up it's mind if it is fornicating a rape orgy of anal sex or presiding over the matrimony of virginal marriage of loving sex.
FOX is a great deal like the Rothschilds who bought there way into America in the Civil War, as Rupert Murdoch, another Shylock of MI6 was hired by the Swamp Rat Republicans in Newt Gingrich to create a propaganda network, which once suckering the masses, betrayed them in going whole watermelon and chicken for the foreigner Birther Hussein Obama.

Necro Wallace
The tide had turned against Americans when liberal Chris Wallace and faggot Shep Smith gushed over Obama "defeating McCain in the debates". Nothing was further from the facts as John McCain schooled Obama just as Mitt Romney did, but Murdoch was brought up on the short leash by MI6 in London spying, and after that, it was Roger Ahles spying on Sarah Palin when she was employed there.
Now of course the F Word is this schism of split personality. On the one side there is Sean Hannity, Mark Levin slouching around and Tucker Carlson. All phone intimates of Donald Trump, surrounded by leggy girls with short skirts and non threatening soy boy couch sitters, who are the buffer for the bungholer Shep Smith in a constant diatribe on Donald Trump and Chris Wallace perpetually attempting to not look like a botox reincarnation of his rotting father in the grave.

Cheetos Perino
From time to time I sit in a fast food place which has FOX on non stop, and from Dana Perino impersonating Cheetos in blazing orange skin tone to Shep Smith looking like a fuller brush, well stained having scrubbed too many homosexual rectums, that is FOX on a daily grind in a cast of the most boring people on the planet.

Bungholer Smith
For excitement this has now all erupted into a shit slinger fight on FOX where that idiot Judge Napolitano being called an idiot, where Shep Smith rushed in as the gay bully blaming Tucker Carlson, who fag slapped Shep which left poor Shep aroused with no gerbils to abuse as Sean Hannity was on the phone sucking up to Donald Trump.
None of which hides the fact that Donald Trump has been courting Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Tucker Carlson for his presidency. The roots of the entire Ukraine investigation stem from John Solomon of the Hill and Sara Carter, both DIA assets, being sourced information to thwart Robert Mueller's witch hunt, and as of late, forcing the issue on Hannity as Solomon was progressing the Ukrainians cause in bringing evidence to the DOJ and FBI, both of which would have nothing to do with investigating these crimes by Biden, Clinton and Obama, tampering with the election in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.

Soy Boy Meets Netherworld
This is the reality of Donald Trump. He has been pharming leaks to both the New York Times and Washington Post. He also has been driving news via Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson. Levin was rewarded handsomely for coming on board the USS Trump and this group has rallied as the firewall for Trump as the Murdochian Molotov Mob of Wallace and Smith were still holding their knees in the Obama position giving cover to Obama in who the Missing Link was in all of this Russigate which the cartel does not want revealed.
That is what Donald Trump has been pushing as Trump was the target in all of this, as much as the benefactor when anti Hillary liberals, Edward Snowden, Chuck Manning and Julian Assange were fed information to thwart Hamrod's 2020 presidential election theft.
For a reality check on FOX, they began life under Newt Gingrich, rewriting American law. FOX then progressed as pedophile Dennis Hastert as Speaker stonewalled the Reagan Revolution and provided cover for all of the RHINO fakes to destroy the legacy of Ronald Reagan under Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Birther Hussein Obama. FOX manifests under Donald Trump in "conflict television" where there fair and balanced has devolved to "everyone is watching FOX news", and it is time for each of you to face the facts of what you are being rallied to.
Legal Wizz Napolitano
In one striking exchange, a guest on Tucker Carlson’s prime-time show Tuesday dismissed Andrew Napolitano, the veteran Fox News legal analyst, as a “fool” for saying Trump’s urging of a favor from the Ukrainian prime minister constituted a crime.
Shepard Smith, the network’s chief news anchor, fired back the next afternoon, declaring it “repugnant” that a guest would insult a Fox News colleague — and adding, pointedly, that the remark had gone “unchallenged” by Carlson.
Back on the air Wednesday night, Carlson gleefully extended the feud, mocking Smith’s comments and noting, “Unlike maybe some dayside hosts, I’m not very partisan.”
Donald Trump has not kept his 2016 promises. You can not even find them on his sites as they have been scrubbed. MAGA is dead by design. Invasion has been replaced by legalized mass immigration. The US economy is in such a dire black hole being sucked inward, that the oil barons, who are owned by Saudi oil, have had to start dropping gas prices by 50 cents a gallon. People and that includes the VISA Vermin have no money as Trumpflation has absorbed all they have, impoverishing them.
Enter into this reality is the Trump Diversion, this time in an impeachment, which this blog first reported was an intelligence operation run out of the White House. So you get this, and understand why my ATT internet link is going down daily with no coverage, as what is being posted here is swept up, is Donald Trump has used himself as bait, to keep you from thinking how much your life sucks, as you are supposed to blame liberals as the threat trying to impeach him, WHICH IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!
It took these suits 3 months to construct this scam that Hannity, Carlson, Levin and Limbaugh have been trumpeting about. It took the Lame Cherry 3 hours to expose it and 3 days to neutralize it. There were vast resources of the cartel invested in this scam, and they are still trying to push it forward, but this poor orphan girl alerted people to what was taking place, and now this is not such a prize to scam the public with in 2020.
All of this comes down to are two questions.
The answer to that is NO.
The answer to that is NO.
Donald Trump is not a depostic Abraham Lincoln protecting the Union. The democrats though are the leftists of 1864 who will forever the obliterate America. There is not any American champion in this. Americans instead are the role of the Southern aristocracy, the tar baby to be replaced by foreigners on the Republican radical side and the anarchist of political euthanasia on the other side.
America is in 1864 without any way out this time. There is not a Ronald Reagan. There are only socialists and communists with the F Word of Fox News joining the political theater as the curtain falls upon the American plain.
Nuff Said
This went better in rehearsal at Langley.