Friday, September 27, 2019

A Native Response

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One of my favorite pastimes is reading the history of the American West. One of my worst tortures is reading books written by liberals, who treat the Indian like pets, akin to the pet Mexicans and Muslims the liberal keeps around in the Trump era to feel superior to the swarthy clans.

What bothers me is the racism which rears it's head in writers like SC Gwynne in creating fabrications of the Great Comanche Nation of the southern plains. The Comanche were terrorists and as the Lewis and Clarke expedition defined the Sioux were pirates. They were savages which were engaged in genocide against any race not their own. That is all made excuses for as the racist slurs of "white men" appear, as SC Gwynne is fond of as 'pale face' apparently is even too much Indian racism for the modern apologist in liberalism

The purpose of this post is to expose something again which no on else has thought of. I tire as I stated of listening to the whining Indian and their masters in everything an Indian utters is something never challenged. Indians are liars and complainers. Some examples from sources I have read are Indians bitching about living in white man houses, as their noses never ran in the tipi. Well go sleep in the goddamn snow then.
Then there was the "white man potatoes taste like dirt". Well go eat goddamn dirt then as you will save the taxpayer the welfare payments.

Much has always been made of the buffalo slaughter, which was an American capitalist solution to take a resource used in terrorism and make it into a product which would make a living for Christian people in the buffalo robes and tongues. Gwynne recites number of millions of buffalo slaughtered, which in reality was more humane than just doing a service to the world in slaughtering the Indian terrorists who are still nothing more than communists bent on the overthrow of the United States with their liberal masters.

It is those millions of buffalo, much lamented as the "whites" only took the tongue and the hides, which starved the Indians......
I will repeat that as that is lost on most, in the Buffalo Hunters could not have given a damn if the Indians appeared and jerked all that meat, boiled up the bones and tallow in their copper kettles and put up a 20 year supply of meat which the Indians said they adored.
Americans who ate that stuff, said it was horrid, but an Indian could eat whatever they desired in their own homes which was not stolen.

See that is the point in this, in the Indians had the opportunity in the 1870's to stop terrorizing Americans and Mexicans. This would have ended the the Soldiers chasing them around, and Western peoples demanding these damned murderers be all exterminated. There were reservations they could have received coffee, sugar and flour from, and shown the Americans that they could keep their horses and roam the still open lands, and not bother the Indian squaw had done all of the work in preserving millions of pounds of buffalo meat.
The fact is, the buffalo could have ceased on the plains and the Indians to the time of 1890 still would have been feasting on buffalo meat by their fires.

No one ever brings up these realities. Only the bullshit of Indians whining and liberals enabling them again and again. It never occurred to one Indian to go out and put up free meat, they did not have to expend any effort on. It did not occur to their Quaker masters either to urge them to work in concert with the Buffalo hunters. That is the massive failure in this.

Instead we hear about Indians starving and having a hard time of it on the reservations. That is their responsibility three times over, as the tribes in America were paid TWICE for all their lands, and they squandered those sums, as much as they let millions of pounds of meat rot on the plains.

The wolves benefited greatly in a larger prairie wolf sub specie appeared which was quite hard to exterminate. The wolf had more sense to eat the buffalo than the Indian.

As a matter of reality and historical recourse, these examples have to be noted, understood and the human mind educated. No one was going to stop an Indian from preserving meat. If the Comanche had gotten off their lazy asses and stopped being terrorists, the US Army would have actually assisted in this harvest in the hide hunters would have been mandated to alert the Indians of their stands so a complete rendering of that food would have taken place.

Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, as even though I reside in the future, the past teaches lessons if you do not have your brain up your liberal ass and are listening to aboriginals who had not the sense to take over a billion pounds of free meat to save themselves.


The squaws would have willingly accomplished the work as they always did, but their leadership was stone aged mind in an industrial world.

Nuff Said
