Thursday, September 26, 2019

Donald Trump Chums The Waters Of Impeachment

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What follows on the impeachment of President Donald John Trump is the only insider information and honest analysis of these events surrounding Ukraine which you will recieve. This is not Cuckservative Kushner Media nor is it the Lynch Media after Donald Trump, but the facts.
Readers have been real assholes in not donating as they should have, because they blame me for Donald Trump playing them as simps. I deal with the facts and I answer to God, and my focus is protecting America and Americans. In stating those facts, it is in bold print that I do not cut Donald Trump any slack as he has not earned it nor does he deserve it. What follows is the real story on the impeachment of Donald Trump which is being hidden from you, and all of this President's supporters are going to be surprised at the revelations.

The key to all of this has nothing to do with Donald Trump in genesis. It has instead to do with the investigative duo of the DIA, John Solomon of the Hill and Sara Carter of Sara Carter Inc. From the start of all of this in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, Solomon has been exposing a series of details in the framing of Donald Trump. His focus at the beginning of 2019 AD in the year of our Lord. shifted to the Paul Manafort and then the Joe Biden connection to Ukraine, as it began to revolve around August 2016 AD.
For those who are not aware, August 2016 is pivotal in all of this, as that is when this blog started to become the focus of federal authorities in a Homeland interview followed, andthis is the period when Manafort was removed, and the Kushners went on vacation to the Balkans on David Geffen's yacht with Wendi Deng, Rupert Murochs' ex wife and Vladimir Putin's lover, along with Joe Biden ending up msyteriously in the Balkans too, where the Guciffer 2.0 revelations were appearing from.

John Solomon early started pointing to the framing of Donald Trump out of Ukraine in Crowdstrike, which was Hillary Clinton's internet protection service, who initially fingered, the Russians in the hack at the DNC, which they backed down from, for it was a lie, as there was not a hack, there was Seth Rich copying files and turning them over to Wikileaks to expose that Bernie Sanders had agreed to throw the election to Hillary Clinton, so she could steal the nomination.

As Bill O'Reilly told Sean Hannity, "Donald Trump is bitter over his being set up by Barack Obama and it started in Ukraine". This is important as Trump's talking heads in Sean Hannity and Mark Levin have been pushing the Solomon information on Ukraine and nothing was being done about it, by Attorney General William Barr. It was in this period of this phone call with the Ukrainian President, that at the end of the conversation, these facts were spoken.

President Trump asked legally for the Ukrainians to reopen the investigation in which Joe Biden blackmailed Ukraine with 1 billion dollars to fire the prosecutor targeting Hunter Biden in crooked deals in Ukraine, Joe Biden bragged about this at the Council on Foreign Relations.

The President of Ukraine brought up Rudy Guiliani's name in the conversation first, and it was then that the President stated he hoped they would continue to speak with Mr. Guiliani and the Attorney General, which is all legal.

Not any where was money threatened to be witheld from Ukraine. In fact the money to Ukraine was the issue with Senate Leader, Mitch McConnell, not Donald Trump.

Those are the facts of the Trump phone call with Ukraine. Donald Trump as Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the United States has ever Constitutional Right to discuss criminal investigations with any nation involving United States Citizens or acts of war against the government of the United States.

The investigation into the framing of Donald Trump in the overseas connection of Ukraine which is directly linked to election tampering in America by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton has been stalled for far too long. Joe Biden's criminal acts for his criminal son have for far too long been kept off the forefront in Attorney General Barr's investigation. What is now taking place is what all things Trump with the DIA have set in a pattern, in that Donald Trump chums the water, becomes the bait, and as Mr. Trump has been innocent as he was in the Robert Mueller investigation, what follows is the attempt to set the hook in the real criminals as democrats once again cast their lines for Trump and keep hooking their own candidates.
The largest buffoons in this are Adam Schiff again and Nancy Pelosi. If this Whistleblower is a Trump operative or is another #NeverTrumper stooge, it does not matter, as the hook has been set, the media attention has spun this wrong again out of the CIA, and the net result is Donald Trump is getting exactly what he wants, in he has maneuvered this in WWE theater to face impeachment.

Why would the President want democrats in the House to impeach?

First, the party trying to scalp a President always pays for it  politically, whether it was Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton and now Donald Trump. Republicans or Democrats involved in these political witch hunts always have the voters retaliate in the following several election cycles.

Second, Donald Trump is a prick. Most people detest him. Impeachment will turn the voters to supporters of this President.

Third, Donald Trump being impeached, drags Joe Biden, Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton who are criminals in this, before the public, and when their crimes are known, this provides cover and prod for Attorney General Barr to go after the most powerful and protected leftist whores who know where the skeletons are buried, beyond Jeffrey Epstein.
(Remember in this, Jeffrey Epstein was to be the pedo light exposing Clinton, Obama and Biden but was murdered by the pedo ring to silence this effort. Ukraine has now evolved to the ringing bell which regains the focus of where the criminals are.)

Subtext 3A: President Trump in making himself a target, targets Joe Biden. Biden who is sinking miserably in the democratic polls, is being overtaken by Elizabeth Warren who is the insider's choice who Americans will not vote for.
It is expedient now to take out Joe Biden as the balance in this has him more of a political value now, then in another few months as he drops another 10 points to Warren. It is better to have the headline that Joe Biden  taken down over criminal collusion in Ukraine.

3B: With Joe Biden being removed in criminal investigation, it sets the precedent to go after his boss, Birther Hussein Obama, as this investigation closes the serpent's circle, on the main players of Andrew McCabe and John Brennan. Take Biden down, and it is easier to take Barack Obama into court for humiliating depositions, and image Obama in jeopardy, candidates as high as John Brennan will be deemed scapegoats to save Obama criminal benefactors.

3C: By taking out Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren ascends as the democratic front runner, who ony the elite are backing, draws out the perpetual candidate of Hillary Clinton, who will burn down hell before she is going to let any democratic woman become President before her.
Hillary Clinton will destroy Elizabeth Warren to get the nomination, which Clinton was hoping to be begged to take later. The schism of Hillary Clinton destroying another democratic race (She destroyed John Edwards with Obama in court. She destroyed Bernie Sanders.) will provide the impetus for the resounding political gimping of Hillary Clinton in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.

3C1: President Trump who has the presidency promised to him by the cartel if he follows the directions of fracturing the GOP to third party status, and being the leader of the National Socialists in America of the split democratic party as Webster Griffin Tarpley stated was planned, is positioned for the Clinton Trump rematch that Hamrod has been moving for. As Clinton enters the race though, she will be the democratic destroyer, and if she does not remove Warren, Warren will be crippled too. Hamrod succeeds, the very events of impeach Trump have brought down Joe Biden, dragged Birther Hussein into the fray to have conspired with Hillary Clinton and Ukraine to frame Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton gimps along with a real "lock her up" echo reverberating across the electorate who on the left will abandon Hamrod and on the right will deceive themselves that Donald Trump is a conservative, not a socialist.

The Lame Cherry has little appreciation of Trump theater. His illusions deluding the right wing who receive zero benefit from his leftist policies are nothing I will ever support. In this instance, Donald Trump is actually playing 3D chess, or the board has been set for him, as his control has moved masterfully in setting up this impeachment as this is adept psychological manipulation, compared to the lame acts which have been appearing manipulating voters for the past months.

For the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Donald Trump is chumming the water. He is using himself as bait to gain voter attention, and he is trolling for the big fish of the democratic party in Biden, Obama and Clinton as Trump like Captain Ahab has lost a political leg to Moby Dick and is going to get that whale, as Trump keeps stating that "no future President should ever have to go through what I have been put through".
This President is trolling democrats and in reality is having them set the hook on their own leadership. That is what Trump impeachment is all about.

I hope for this President's success, even if it has zero benefit for Conservative Christians who have been replaced by Visa Vermin in this American Genocide. It is though one of the better performances, and the warning is, how deeply this is embedded and rooted as Attorney General Barr has not been indicting criminals in this coup against Donald Trump as they are being protected. The measures are now to nationalize the impeachment of Donald Trump as the election issue to indict the conspirators and to provide Mr. Trump with his 15% e voter casino margin.

This once again is the Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter, as no one will lay this out for you as this poor orphan girl begging on the electronic street has been Inspired to do.

Nuff Said

