As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It would be an improvement in this world if most people would educate themselves to the level of just being stupid.
- Lame Cherry
I came across this story online focusing on California Assemblywoman Rebecca Bauer-Kahan. In it, Nuance Bro is interviewing here, which can be seen on the site link on Gaytube, and she makes thee most uneducated of comments.
For women, and most people who are not aware of what firearms are, beyond seeing them in the movies, the rhetoric which has been the propaganda on the gun issue has been absolutely moronic. It is why I am couching this article in terms people will comprehend in the necessity of banning HIGH CAPACITY TAMPONS as Rebecca Bauer-Kahan says, "California has banned semi automatic ammunition.
Here is a photo of semi auto ammunition which California banned.
Here is a photo of ammunition which is used for hunting.
Here is a photo of a high capacity tampon.
Here is a photo of a safe tampon which is not a threat to the public.
In the above, you have just proved how absolutely much you need to graduate up to stupid, because there is not such a thing as high capacity ammunition. There are magazines that can hold more cartridges, but there is not semi auto ammunition which the Californian says she banned.
It is not any different than saying they have banned high capacity tampons, because they will mummify a woman in absorbing too much moisture.
This has to be addressed, because Alyssa Milano just met with Ted Cruz and announced he is human. Ms. Milano is quite vocal, like most liberals invests a great deal of time, vocabulary and money into her issues. In return, she has representing her, California Assemblywoman Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, who is absolutely uninformed, uneducated and wasting Alyssa Milano's money and her time.
This is the ignorant exchange in this elected official in her wanting the Federal Government to ban tampons the way California has.
“I would like [the U.S.] to mirror California’s gun laws,” she says to sum up her stance.
But you can buy semiautomatic handguns in California, he responds. To which she says, “Well, we’ve banned the bump stock.”
When he politely informs her that the federal government banned bump stocks she scrambles and changes her tune, dropping this beauty of a line in the process, “You can’t get the semiautomatic ammunition here in California.”
For the educational record of this Californian, she is an attorney, so she spent at least 19 years in school to get an education. 19 years, has been elected to office, so she has been exposed to the issues, and in all of that she has no idea what is California or Federal Law, (Trump banned bump stocks breaking his word) and she has no idea that there is not such a thing as semi automatic ammunition and thinks it is a bigger tampon, or a larger magazine to store ammunition in a firearm.
Rebecca Bauer-Kahan - Wikipedia
Rebecca Bauer-Kahan (born October 28, 1978) is an American attorney and politician who serves in the California State Assembly. A Democrat, she represents the 16th Assembly District, which encompasses Lamorinda and the Tri-Valley region of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Honestly, education is not a qualification for being a representative, attorney or holding a job in the United States. It was once a matter that a person had to hold land in order to vote, but the rich people in America are absolutely the problem in being as ignorant as the poor. Uninformed liberal voters, elect uninformed represetnatives. That is their choice, but for people like Bill Maher, Alyssa Milano, Meathead Reiner, Whoopie Godberg, Ted Danson, Ed Begley jr., these people at least try to know what an issue is.
Susan Sarandon is a liberal of some understanding. She is heads above someone like Ben Afleck and pounded sand into Debra Messing, another ignorant leftist. It is a point in an educated woman like that, in what they must think in hearing representatives of the left be so blatantly ignorant and showing absolutely no respect for the time and money celebrities raise of them.
For myself, a Christian Conservative, we get screwed over by the people IN the right, because they are liberal frauds like National Socialist Donald Trump or something like Mitch McConnell. Our problem is our stooges are too good at conning people. For leftists, they have people who represent their issues like Charles Schumer who at least comprehend the issues which they are progressing, but the undertow represented by a Rebecca Bauer Kahan is what permeates the DNC. Yes it is easier for Nancy Pelosi to herd around the AOC Skirt Squad, in why those assets are installed to the regime, but there is a point where the brain must have something in it, and the heart must at least not be showing up for an honest days work, so the public is being represented.
It is the problem in America with these Nazi Conglomerate candidates. They are automatons in being absolutely clueless. The public for the most part is as dense, as Donald Trump on FOX has been progressing "EXPANDED" background checks, with only this blog warning the right and the left that the expansion deals with your MEDICAL RECORDS, and whether you are right or left that Obamacare database is about to be accessed by BATFE as much as your physician will be required by law to report your conversations or if you are on any medications.
That is something I would prefer an Alyssa Milano would examine with her educated liberals who go ballistic over aborticide and private medical records, because she should be aware, while she thinks, "Stick it to nutty gun owners", but when has a database once accessed, ever been confined to one group?
If liberals were prescribed for depression medication, that is in the system. It will appear no matter what if you are buying a gun or not, as the system will flag you, and it will not be that long, before people who are flagged will be under review if they are a danger to themselves, their children or a threat to their community, because Donald Trump is implementing a Facebook Twitter psychological profile alert on agitated people.
This will move from purchasing a firearm to the necessity of Donald Trump's new line of nut farms for crazy people, to something Wall Street will invest in, will need to be filled, and that will become the mandate in hauling people from their homes to fill beds, because Wall Street must pay the stock portfolios.
Liberal may get gun owners, but they are setting the trap which will catch them.
Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter informing you of realities which no one is addressing, except once again, this poor orphan girl blog.
Is this the Assault Weapon Tampon, the AK Tampon of the bump stop tampon?