As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
For the benefit of all, the Lame Cherry is attempting to work through something that Donald Trump's Homeland Security just established, in White Nationalism is a major terror threat inside the United States.
DHS Just Finally Recognized White Nationalism as a Major Terror Threat
Its the first time the department has placed major emphasis on countering the threat of white nationalism coming from inside the U.S.
I have always been sort of confused what White Nationalism is, because I define things literally in a scientific observation. So I look for definitions of what is deemed the standard normal, and gain understanding from that.
n.Devotion, especially excessive or undiscriminating devotion, to the interests or culture of a particular nation-state.
n.The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals.
n.The belief that a particular cultural or ethnic group constitutes a distinct people deserving of political self-determination.
So the experts above are stating that a race of people have the right to self determination or deciding how their lives should be lived and not dictated to.
We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, and among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
That is the synthesis of America's founding. A more concise determination is this explanation of, "Endowed by their Creator", we hold these truths to be self evident or We trust in God that we have the right how to decide how we live out our lives.
The Latin phrase pluribus unum means "In God We trust." "We ...
The Latin phrase pluribus unum means "In God We trust." "We hold these truths to be self-evident." "Out of many, one." "We the people."
Out of the many, evolves one people, one nation, one determination on how to preserve, protect and defend that man, so they do not become extinct, supplanted by another people.
Those are the historical definitions of nationalism, as it is always based in race.
In formulating this understanding of nationalism, the next step is Wikipedia, which explains White Nationalism.
White nationalism - Wikipedia
White nationalism is a type of nationalism or pan-nationalism which espouses the belief that white people are a race and seeks to develop and maintain a white national identity. Its proponents identify with and are attached to the concept of a white nation. White nationalists say they seek to ensure the survival of the white race, and the cultures of historically white states. They hold that white people should maintain their majority in majority-white countries, maintain their political and eco
The definition of a White Nationalist is that white people are a race.
Caucasian | Definition of Caucasian by Merriam-Webster
Medical Definition of Caucasian 1 : of or relating to the white race of humankind as classified according to physical features 2 : of or relating to the white race as defined by law specifically as composed of persons of European, North African, or southwest Asian ancestry
White people are in fact a race, one of three races in the Caucasoid, Mongoloid (Asian) and Negroid (African).
So the White Race, in White Nationalism seeks to protect it's race in genetics, politics and economics. Those things assembled are what the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are, in they form what is termed government, by, for and of the People.
So People banding together in family units, clans, tribes, nations is the basis of all civilization in order to protect their persons and property, so others will not take from them their life, liberty and pursuits which fulfill their lives.
Donald Trump's Homeland Security has been progressing a legal enforcement mandate which defines White Nationalism as extreme and terroristic.
Many of the priorities listed in the 41-page document align with what extremism and counterterrorism experts have suggested during various recent hearings on domestic terrorism before congress.
The determination of Homeland Security is to stop the spread of information which assembles people to resist............
They also plan to spearhead initiatives to raise awareness about disinformation, and “halt the spread of information operations intended to promote radicalization to violent extremism or mobilization to violence.”
See this is where I am sorting this out, as the above is censorship, and it violates the Constitution of the right to free speech and assembly. Again this puzzles m as illogical, as Donald Trump's Homeland defines what Thomas Jefferson and James Madison wrote, that the Founders signed their names to, and Congress ratified as extreme and terrorism, and extreme and terrorism is Americans who think their race should be defended and protected.
It is in fact a religion and that is protected in the Constitution too.
Exodus 19:5
Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:
See when I read things, I take them literal, and I keep find the Constitution and what the Constitution is based on in Biblical and Christian foundations of faith, being determined to be terrorism and extremism.
In other words, God, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Ronald Reagan in warning against America being invaded and overthrown are all determined to be extremists and terrorists.
Barry Goldwater - Extremism in the defense of liberty is...
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. Barry Goldwater
I keep finding American national heroes stating things which Homeland defines as extreme and terrorism.
Donald Trump's Homeland Director McAleenan went further in stating this:
“The United States faces an evolving threat environment and a threat of terroroism and targeted violence within our borders that is more diverse than at any time since the 9/11 attacks,” McAleenan said on Friday. “We are acutely aware of the growing threat from enemies, both foreign and domestic, who seek to incite violence in our nation’s youth, disenfranchised, and disaffected, in order to attack their fellow citizens.”
So there are enemies, people, who are foreigners and domestic, who are inciting violence in American youth, disenfranchised and disaffected, to have them attack other Americans.
I am pondering this literally, so I do not think the Director is mixing ideas like Muslim terrorism and Ecoterrorists, so in making this easier to understand, the Director is saying that there are Caucasians who are saying things to young people, who are not having their American Dream protected and telling them things like Thomas Jefferson said in when injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.
When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty (Spurious ...
Comments: This statement has not been found in Thomas Jefferson's writings, although it captures some of the ideas that Jefferson expressed in the Declaration of Independence, e.g. "...when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it ...
Logically, I would conclude that if the government were interested in stopping violence, that it would be building trust in people it is not providing the environment to succeed in life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
The evidence historically in America, when King George of England started beating up Christian Protestants, hanging people who disagreed with their being disenfranchised, that those people resisted, and were called patriots, not terrorists.
They founded a White Nation to protect themselves and the race called American.
That is what I do not understand in any of this. I see the Constitution, the Bible, the Founders and God being the Inspiration of them, were called Citizens, not terrorists, when the British were not hanging them, raping them and seizing their property for stating Americans did not have that right.
What this Homeland directive concludes by definition, is that humans who are White and believe they should be together governing themselves, so they do not become extinct are not allowed to say these things, believe these things, teach these things, in essence be Americans, are criminals.
This is now a national directive from President Donald Trump. The government of the United States has ordered federal Agents to target White Nationalists as they are placed upon terror watch lists.
Personally, I do not know any White Nationalists. I see them in the media, but they seem to eventually; be revealed to be paid FBI moles posting all the inflammatory rhetoric.
Hutaree militiamen cleared in court -
Much to the chagrin of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a federal judge has cleared the members of a Michigan militia who were accused by federal law enforcement agents of conspiracy to commit sedition. Since you didn't hear much about this ruling from the national press corps, here is one online version of the report:
I do not understand any of this, even after reviewing the information in this. It seems to me that some people in power, want to make it criminal for being Caucasian, so they can have what those people currently are being divested of.
I just read that Americans have over 200 trillion dollars in wealth. I could not find that story, but did fine one from a decade ago that Americans did indeed do have a great deal of wealth.
Total Assets of the U.S. Economy $188 Trillion, 13.4xGDP | Dr ...
I recently wrote about the fact that the forces impacting the U.S. economy's balance sheet, at about $200 trillion, dominate those affecting GDP (just over $14 trillion) when thinking about interest rates and stock prices. A blog reader wrote to ask me where the $200 trillion figure comes from.
Following the money is the old adage, and that is why the cloth of the land has faced dispossession. William the Conqueror accomplished this with the English, and Teddy Roosevelt recorded this was policy from France, England and Spain using Indian Empire terrorists to genocide Americans out of the American interior.
Once upon a time White Nationalism was protected, promoted and prospered by the Constitution of these United States. That is no longer the right as from the above, censorship and criminalization is what is formulated from the Trump administration.
Instead of creating a policy of hope and future, which White Americans could believe in, the policy is to criminalize a race, instead of providing opportunities.
I though am just a poor orphan girl who helped write the time line to place Donald Trump into the office of the President., so I am ignorant to all the nuances of how this all fits into God, the Bible, the Constitution.
Extinction will not be so bad, as I never saw a dinosaur complain or crawl out of the tar pits. So I guess it is now in Homeland I Trust as God did not have it right, nor the Founders. That is all settled now.
Science will have to correct my relative Charles Darwin though as there is another theory in evolution, in there is more than Natural Selection, as there is now Trump Homeland Selection in what is best for the origin of the new species.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said