Just walk on your hind legs for awhile longer...
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am convinced when the Republican National Committee released information that they held the data on 200 million voters, which is impossible in a nation of 320 million, as there are not that many voters, that they slipped up in alerting America what the real population is from all of these foreign vermin pouring into the Untied States.
Official numbers are 1.5 million per year on Visa Vermin for decades. Now for the Lame Cherry hints which you have not put dos and dos together, but now for the first time will be published here.
McAleenan: 'DHS Will No Longer Be Releasing Family Units...Into The Interior' - Sara A. Carter ∞ saraacarter
Remember my telling you something bizarre has been happening here in our groceries and supplies, that the shelves have been empty periodically?
Sara Carter a DIA mouthpiece has not either been informed or is not that bright to put this together as all she does is champion this as some Trump administration lamentable victory.
What the Lame Cherry is telling you is, the reason the DHS is not dumping any more foreign vermin into the American interior, is because it is SATURATED. There is not enough food, fuel and barely enough water and housing to deal with all of this vermin.
Jeff Rense had a a data guest concerning foreign workers a decade ago. He was placing then the number at 100 million foreigners holding American jobs. I have no data, but with the illegals pouring into America under Obama and Trump, I project the real population of the United States is over 400 million plus, and closer to half a billion already.
The reason gas prices kept going up, was not from foreign sales alone or Trump nation rapists. It is because so many of these foreign vermin are in the United States they are burning up all the gasoline, eating the food, and it is causing shortages.
This has been a massive problem begun by John Kelly at DHS when Trump bragged he would bring in all the slave labor the Chamber of Commerce demanded. That as in 2017 and America has reached the break point, as America is beyond saturated with foreigners.
The Brier Patch alone has a new crop moving through here to new areas of America every two weeks. We are seeing Texas roofers to green energy hires moving through here non stop. None of these are Americans, and it points to why in the frick Donald Trump is in Texas having a rally, which is illegal with that swammy from India. Texas has so damn many Indians now voting illegally in elections that Trump is playing the Gandhi card. Texas is the Black Anus of Calcutta.
Texas India?
'Howdy, Modi!': Trump hails Indian PM at 'historic' Texas rally
US President Donald Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi exchanged warm words of friendship in Texas at a rare mass rally for a foreign leader. Around 50,000 people gathered for what Mr ...
The proof is all out there if you know what you are being shown. The reason DHS has stopped flesh dumps is because the Nazi conglomerates have no more jobs, and the base resources have imploded by this cancerous consumption.
Just wait on this a bit and see what you see in headlines in people taking credit for this Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. It is why the Census is in such turmoil as they can not hide all these vermin all over America.
DHS has sent up the warning signs. This conglomerate regime which rules America does nothing for Americans, only themselves, and when they are stopping flesh dumps into Republican States, it means there is not enough food, fuel, resources which can maintain the population. That is the danger of the real implosion of the United States, in if this gets out, and people start hording, you will see the Obama Effect in this Trump Abyss of an armed meltdown over food and fuel.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said