Thursday, September 26, 2019

Special Delivery

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Ok now this is even more bizarre than in my bizarre life.

So I mentioned that Dan our neighbor's Dad died, and so did his best friend's dad, who is related to us, all the same day.

So today we get an envelope in the mail, addressed to my dad.  Just a review in this, my old man has been dead for quite sometime. To put it into a time line, the envelope came with an address for our old postal address, before it all went GPS satellite tracking to fly cruise missiles in your window.

So I open it.

It is from two people, probably geezers, and from Minnesota, or the address is.

It is a a handwritten note for my dead relatives family.....this is like our 3rd cousin in so removed I am probably more related to Donald Trump than him. The people said they were neighbors......hell I don't remember the name and there is not a record of them.
This is the biggest mystery to me, as for some reason these people had our decades old address. They had no idea the old man was dead, but must have looked at the online obits to know the relative was dead. So it is not like they are in contact with people here, but they knew my old man.

Granted my old man knew lint by it's name as he knew everyone, but then so did beloved Uncle, but no card came to Uncle's mail today when we checked as he lives on that place.

I asked Uncle if he knew who the hell these people were.....he had not a clue. Just grinned and said it was odd.

The card sender had a unique wife's name, and I don't remember anyone local that might have married someone and left. No trail of Christmas cards, no correspondence, and they are sending out sympathy cards to my dead old man, and damn thing is, the post office was putting question marks by TL's name wondering if they should deliver with the right address, but a dead guy, and an old address and they drop it off without a problem.

Good thing the mother is tits up, because if I asked her, she would be shaking her head NO, before I got the question out, and she would claim ignorance if I asked her, her own name.

Well time to figure this out with my investigative resources as it is odd, as my dad and this cousin never had anything to do with each other.......the cousin was a good guy and dad was a drinker.

