Are you ready for your conjugal visit Bill?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry rises again to chivalrously defend liberal Felicity Huffman for the crime of being a mother and trying to get her worthless daughters into prestigious schools.
What I desire for all of you to understand, is it is NOT ENOUGH TO BE A WHITE FEMALE IN AMERICA and gain admittance into college. That is discrimination in lowering Caucasian females to the level of White Christian Males, who are barred from everything in Affirmative Action.
Felicity Huffman sentenced to 14 days in prison for 'Varsity Blues' college scam ∞ abc
The Lame Cherry expresses it's gratitude to the US Attorneys office in the prosecution of this case and Judge Talwani for the sentence, because both rightly gave Felicity Huffman the sentence she deserved in not taking this case seriously.
"I accept the court's decision today without reservation," she said in the statement. "I have always been prepared to accept whatever punishment Judge Talwani imposed. I broke the law. I have admitted that and I pleaded guilty to this crime. There are no excuses or justifications for my actions. Period.
Let us be honest about this, these cases were brought by powerful people, who had children more stupid than Felicity Huffman's, and could not get admission, because their parents were too cheap, too stupid or not caring enough to bribe a school to get their children in.
The Judge gave a more lenient sentence than Huffman's attorneys were asking for, and 14 days is nothing, and the Judge handed down this sentence to get the elite off this mother's back, and to keep for calls of another prosecution of this innocent mother.
It is no longer enough to be a White Woman in America. They are cast to the heap of other deplorables.
I hope that Felicity Huffman and her husband make the best of this situation. I think 2 weeks would give Bill Macy at least one conjugal visit and I hear prison sex is really hot.

Felicity can you bribe the postman as I'd like to do this next year again.
Felicity can use words now at cocktail parties like, "I was in the stir, the big house, the grey bar, the pen.' She can say "She was up the river". She can swagger when she says this and tell her stories of being in with the tough dyke bitches, who are no her friends, and they owe her as she had unspeakable relations with the guards in order to save them, and the dykes will be around with their shivs if she ever has a problem on the outside.
Bill can point to his wife and tell his buddies and lesbians that his wife learned so many things in prison sex positions and it is all something they will envy him for, and want their wives to go up to the big house to get an education.
Think of the daughters, in now they can say their mother did the hard time, she is a felon and she has nothing more to lose.
No doubt Donald Trump will be pardoning Felicity as he pardons Black degenerates all the time.
Felicity Huffman, and all of these other parents do not belong in courts clogging up the system, no more than Lori Loughlin, as these people were just trying to get their White kids on the same Affirmative Action footing which has penalized them. That should be admired.
I hope Felicity gets a book deal, a movie deal, and enjoys her 2 week free vacation, as she should not have been charged any more than Martha Stewart, but that is what happens when people need to be made example of and the DOJ and Courts are stuck trying to deal with unwanted cases in not destroying people's lives who have done nothing worthy to be called breaking the law.
Free Felicity Huffman!!!! Thanks to the Judge and US Attorney they did just that.
Let's sing........
Electric Light Orchestra - Ma-Ma-Ma Belle - YouTube
A song by Electric Light Orchestra off their album "On The Third Day". (And I just didn't feel like saying 'ELO' because I want to be technical.) ... Electric Light Orchestra - Ma-Ma-Ma Belle ...
Nuff Said