Thursday, September 19, 2019

Make Mine A Triple

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If I could shit money, I would have a brace of these Charles Daly Triple barrel shotguns, which are a throwback to the old German Drilling firearms of 3 barrels.
It is an odd thing that Europeans went for that shotgun and rifle combination, but Americans never really liked them. It seemed that the old Savage 410 22 combo was ok, but when you got into the 12 gauge with a 30 30, it was like you never had enough rounds in the 12 and the 30 30 just did not compensate for bad American shooting.

The reason I do not have a shotgun like this is rich people do not donate as they should generously. I would not waste money, but this would be a very nice tool for home defense or to carry around in the pickup. For a 3 barrel the top I would put a slug into it and the bottom two barrels I would probably feed either BB's or 2 shot depending on the season in the pickup. 2's for bird plotting and BB's for coyotes. The slug would be bang up for having a deer license and like us seeing a monster buck driving home last autumn, would fill the tag, the BB's and slug would make excellent for home defense fodder.

For people of slight expression, Daly produces a 20 gauge and a 410 for home defense. Probably would make a nice travel gun too as they are 7 pounds and it seems the stock separates to make it a hip gun for firing. This is a pretty good house hoser for home protection that package, and the 12 gauge is over 8 pounds which would dampen recoil.

As far as Drillings go, under 2000 dollars for a new firearm is a good price. It would be a joy to go on adventures with this thing, as I could see potting a buffalo with the top barrel and following up with two more. It would just be fun to have under the seat and whipping it out to harvest supper in some grouse or whatever was sticking it's head up.

The company apparently had a plethora of scattergun types from single shots to the triples. I just would like them to make a short single shot, as they do make a coach gun which under 1000 dollars is out of my market range too, but that coach gun would produce ample pleasure for me too as it is comforting having those defensive firearms around.

Anyway that is another dream, and a compliment to Daly in their sites load super fast in they do not have a crap load of bots loading into your computer draining resources. While they do not say, I am guessing these guns are made in Turkey or Japan by the looks of them. As I said, anyway, that is another dream.

Nuff Said
